Protein photocrosslinking reveals dimer of dimers formation on MarR protein in Escherichia coli

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xd5357
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The multiple antibiotic resistance regulatory protein(MarR) binds to two promoter sites on the marO operator in Escherichia coli.Our study showed that more than one MarR dimer proteins bound to either of its two promoter sites(Site I and Site II),suggesting that MarR might form higher complexes than homodimers when bound to DNA inside E.coli cells.To further verify this hypothesis,we site-specifically incorporated a photocrosslinking probe at the interface between two MarR dimer proteins.Photolysis in living E.coli cells revealed a covalent linkage between the two interdimer subunits of MarR,suggesting that MarR forms dimer of dimers in vivo. The multiple antibiotic resistance regulatory protein (MarR) binds to two promoter sites on the marO operator in Escherichia coli. Our study showed that more than one MarR dimer proteins bound to either of its two promoter sites (Site I and Site II), suggesting that MarR might form higher complexes than homodimers when bound to DNA inside E. coli cells. To further verify this hypothesis, we site-specifically incorporated a photocrosslinking probe at the interface between two MarR dimer proteins. Photolysis in living E. coli cells revealed a covalent linkage between the two interdimer subunits of MarR, suggesting that MarR forms dimer of dimers in vivo.
王安廷是四川成都人,现年67岁。也是中国唯一 以收藏毛泽东像章而被收入《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》的 收藏家;他创办了首家民间性“中华毛泽东像章收藏研 究会”;他曾拒绝过一对美国
1、适用范围 本标准规定了卷制轴套外径的检验方法和必要的检验设备。卷制轴套标准见ISO3547。 卷制轴套在自由状态下是挠性件,装入轴承座后,由于轴承座孔径与卷制轴套外径