A Silent Vigil in the Jungle

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“I WOULD like to show you our Malaysian jungle.It’s aneasy journey from here.”Our guide was a devout nature lover and a keen trekker~2 fromthe look of his boots.From where we were sitting,looking downon Kuala Lumpur’s commercial centre,the jungle seemed very re-mote.He was right,though.Within a matter of hours we were deepin Malaysia’s Taman Negara.First a three-hour drive northeast “I WOULD like to show you our Malaysian jungle. It’s aneasy journey from here. ” Our guide was a devout nature lover and a keen trekker ~ 2 from the look of his boots.From where we were sitting, looking downon Kuala Lumpur’s commercial center, the jungle seemed very re-mote. He was right, though .Within a matter of hours we were deepin Malaysia’s Taman Negara. First a three-hour drive northeast
Still busy with the toast and marmalade, the motorist of the21st century is already prepared for the day’s drive. From thebreakfast table a remote control has
在狮子头那边,有一位美丽温柔的仙女,她有一种能让人吃了飘飘然的药,据说吃了它什么痛苦也会消失。但是要得到这药,得经过岩溶洞,那里边可有着无数的机关,人一旦走入将万劫不复,永不超生。很多人都想要得到这瓶药,但凡进去的人就没有出来的,闻风丧胆,人人惧怕。  有一个叫鲁生的人,他的妻子听了这件事,也想要那瓶药,就催使他去拿那瓶药。鲁生不敢,他妻子就说:“你每天都做了什么,家里大大小小的事都是我一个人做的
你知道化石是什么吗?它是亿万年前的动物或者植物被埋在地下后留下的遗迹。当化石被发掘出来后,它们还保持着那些古代的动物或植物的特点,使我们能够了解遥远过去的世界的情景。  化石所代表的古老生物早已灭绝了,可是,有些植物至今仍然生机勃勃、枝叶茂盛,像水杉、银杏、银杉、鸽子树等,还被叫做“活化石”,这是为什么呢?  原来,这都是一些非常古老的树种,它们在人类出现以前,就早已生活在地球上了,有些甚至在恐龙
1.In which year was the Commonwealth of Australia founded?2.What is the approximate population of Australia?3.Which city is Australia’s capital,Sydney,Melbour
A series of new ligands L_1-L_7 were readily prepared in one step.Friedel-Crafts alkylation of indoles with nitroalkenes catalyzed by a novel Cu(Ⅱ)-L complex h
For many years a soil water content sensor with low cost, reliability and sufficient accuracy has been desirable. Thus, an improved measurement method based on