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目的了解东乡族学生视力状况,为东乡族学生视力不良的防治工作提供依据。方法按照2010年全国学生体质健康调研细则要求,对2 484名东乡族7~18岁学生先用标准对数视力表测量学生裸眼视力,再对视力不良者使用串镜检查,判定屈光不正性质;抽取2010年甘肃省汉族7~18岁学生视力测试资料进行比较。结果东乡族学生视力不良率为24.94%,其中男生为23.09%,女生为26.71%,差异无统计学意义(u=1.80,P>0.05);小学生、中学生的视力不良检出率分别为9.48%和40.96%,差异有统计学意义(u=24.92,P<0.01);东乡族学生与汉族学生视力不良率分别为24.92%和63.20%,差异有统计学意义(u=36.85,P<0.01)。东乡族学生视力不良主要是近视,占99.12%。结论东乡族学生视力较好,但视力不良率仍随年龄增长呈上升态势。防治东乡族学生视力不良需家庭、学校和社会共同参与,从早期抓起。 Objective To understand the visual acuity of Dongxiang students and provide basis for the prevention and treatment of poor vision of Dongxiang students. Methods According to the requirements of National Student Physical Health Survey 2010, 2 484 students of Dongxiang ethnic group of 7-18 years old were used to measure uncorrected visual acuity of students with standard logarithmic visual acuity chart. Then, the visually impaired persons were examined by serial microscope to judge the refractive error ; Extracted 2010 Gansu Han 7 to 18-year-old students visual acuity test data for comparison. Results The rate of poor vision in Dongxiang students was 24.94%, with 23.09% for boys and 26.71% for girls, the difference was not statistically significant (u = 1.80, P> 0.05). The prevalence of poor eyesight in primary and secondary school students was 9.48% And 40.96% (u = 24.92, P <0.01). The rates of poor eyesight in Dongxiang and Han students were 24.92% and 63.20% respectively, with significant difference (u = 36.85, P <0.01) . Dongxiang poor eyesight mainly myopia, accounting for 99.12%. Conclusion Dongxiang students have better eyesight, but the rate of poor eyesight still increases with age. Prevention and treatment of poor Dongxiang students need families, schools and society to participate together, starting from the early.
一、日本与亚太地区科技合作的意义 科技合作既有助于提高相互间的科技水平、促进社会经济发展,同时对人类科技事业的繁荣及国际社会的稳定与发展具有重大意义。国际问题恳
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摘 要:创新精神已成为新世纪年轻一代的建设者必备的基本素质,在基础教育中培养学生的创新能力是当代教师的一个重要课题,对于化学学科来说,化学实验过程本身就是培养学生创新精神和创新能力的最佳途径,是其它学科所不能替代的,本文对如何利用化学实验,培养学生的创新能力谈一些看法。  关键词:化学实验 创新能力 培养  中图分类号:G633.8文献标识码:A文章编号:1673–1875(2007)01–078
Gartner Group预测,电子商务的发展将进入企业间的协同阶段。协同商务将在整个供应链上全面拓展,并将给企业的业务模型和商务运作带来变革。 Gartner Group predicts that t