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“每个了解一点历史的人都知道,没有妇女的酵素就不可能有伟大的社会变革。社会的进步可以用女性的社会地位来精确衡量。”女性占人口的一半,是社会人力资源的重要组成部分。女性的素质影响着中华民族的整体素质,其发展水平直接牵连国家的综合实力,其人才开发又直接关系到整个社会人才资源开发战略的实施。因此,女性人力资源是一支十分重要的、具有巨大潜能的生力军,在推进社会 “Everyone who knows a little bit of history knows that there can be no great social change without women’s enzymes and that social progress can be accurately measured by the social status of women.” Women account for half of the population and are important for human resources in society component. The quality of women affects the overall quality of the Chinese nation. Its level of development is directly implicated in the overall strength of the country. The development of its talents is directly related to the implementation of the strategy for developing human resources throughout the entire society. Therefore, the human resources of women are a very important new force with great potential to promote social
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玉米黑粉菌就是玉米棒子上生的病菌。又叫玉米乌米、棒子包、玉米黑霉等。 凡是在种有玉米的乡村里呆过的人,差不多都认得玉米黑粉菌。长了玉米黑粉菌的玉米就是生病了,这种
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