Structure and collaboration relationship analysis in a scientific collaboration network

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andysonz
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We construct a weighted network of scientific collaboration in computational geometry and study the statistical properties of the network. In addition, we introduce a parameter called the collaboration relationship parameter to measure the collaboration between scientists. The collaboration relationship parameter of two scientists depends not only on the connection weights between the nodes, but also on the network's structure. The stability of the network's structure in terms of different edge removal strategies is also studied. According to the parameter, we find that a community structure exists in this type of network. We construct a weighted network of scientific collaboration in computational geometry and study the statistical properties of the network. In addition, we introduce a parameter called the collaboration relationship parameter to measure the collaboration between scientists. The collaboration relationship parameter of two scientists depends not only on the connection weights between the nodes, but also on the network's structure. The stability of the network's structure in terms of different edge removal strategies is also studied. According to the parameter, we find that a community structure exists in this type of network.
今天是五一劳动节,我和爸爸妈妈在家里剪报。妈妈把文章从报上剪下来,我和爸爸负责粘贴。 Today is Labor Day, I and my parents cut newspapers at home. Mom cut the art
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2000年6月 19日,成都市《华西都市报》登载了《车险定损主体是谁?保险、物价针锋相对》一文。该文说,1999年8月28日,贾斌驾驶铃木奥拓车从新都往成都途中,被罗寿化驾驶的小货车碰撞,经新都县交警