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据当年在琼崖特委工作的老同志回忆:1922年琼东县创办过消费合作社(按:当年的乐会县和琼东县于1958年合并为琼海县)。当时的情况是:1919年五四运动的暴发,促使海南人民的觉醒。随着反帝反封建斗争深入发展,新思想、新文化也随着在海南地区传播。1921年中国共产党诞生后,海南的革命师生宣传 According to the old comrades working in the Qiongya special committee in those days, they recalled that Qiaodong County had founded a consumer cooperative in 1922 (at the time, Lehui County and Qiongdong County were merged into Qionghai County in 1958). The situation at that time was: the outbreak of the May 4 Movement in 1919, which prompted the awakening of Hainan’s people. With the further development of the anti-imperialism and anti-feudal struggles, new ideas and new cultures have also been disseminated in Hainan. After the birth of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921, revolutionary teachers and students in Hainan publicized
Molecular dynamics simulation with an all-atom force field has been carried out on the two binary systems of[bmim][PF6]-CO2and[bmim][NO3]-CO2to study the transp
5月5日,国家防汛抗旱总指挥部召开了全国水库安全度汛电视电话会议,国家防汛抗旱总指挥部副总指挥、水利部 On May 5, the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headqua
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<正> 清晨,我打开窗帘,发现大地上全是飘舞的雾。高原山城的早晨,带着几分神奇色彩。我从黄教圣地塔尔寺起步,沿着通往马场藏族乡加
The dynamic changes of the complex network and the material form and function were actuated by the molecular chains. The interaction behavior between molecular