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在我国各行各业的信息化建设中,金融行业的信息化建设无疑走在了最前列。众所周知,金融行业由于行业自身的特殊性,对包括服务器在内的信息化设备的产品品质、渠道供货、服务支持一直极为苛刻。特别需要强调的是,过去很多金融领域的应用以 Unix Server 为主要的服务器平台,虽然它在高性能高管理方面都有极其突出的表现,但是出于造价高,成本回收慢等缺点,而且随着 PC 服务器性能的不断提高,目前 PC 服务器在金融领域越来越被广泛地应用起来。数据大集中是目前的热门话题,全国金融系统和其他行业都在实施大规模 In the information construction of all walks of life in our country, the construction of informatization in the financial industry undoubtedly takes the forefront. As we all know, due to the special nature of the industry, the financial industry has always been extremely harsh on the product quality, channel availability and service support of the information equipment including the server. In particular, it needs to be stressed that in the past, many applications in the financial field mainly focused on Unix Server. Although it has outstanding performance in high-performance and high-performance management, it is disadvantageous in terms of high cost and slow cost recovery. PC server performance continues to improve, the current PC server in the financial field more and more widely used. Data concentration is currently a hot topic, the national financial system and other industries are implementing large-scale
Based on the results of remote sensing investigations of the landscapes of 1995 and 2000, the national distribution of sandy desertified land and its interactio
对于希望以中挡服务器的价格获得大型系统的性能和可靠性的用户来说,又有了新的选择,3月7日,惠普和康柏同时在国内发布了其中端市场的服务器产品——惠普 rp7410和康柏 Alpha
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王牌“美女双料间谍”:玛塔·哈丽  1876年玛塔·哈莉生于荷兰。她名为“七层面纱”的舞蹈在巴黎曾轰动一时,崇拜者一掷数千法郎以求一夜之欢。但她的间谍生涯比她的舞蹈更成功,由于她,法国在一战中多损失了数十万人。1917年10月11日,她被指控为周旋于法德两国之间的双料间谍。战后,法国以“叛国罪”的名义将其处死。    最美苏联女间谍:玛加丽达·科涅库娃  二战期间,科涅库娃为了获得美国原子弹的秘密
The State Council, China’s cabinet, has approved the establishment of the Qingdao Qianwan Bonded Port Area in Qingdao, a coastal city in east China’s Shandong