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本刊讯2014年5月6-10日,国家卫生和计划生育委员会副主任孙志刚应邀出席2014年度香港医院管理局研讨大会并赴澳门交流社区卫生建设情况。在香港医管局大会开幕式上,孙志刚向出席大会的各国代表介绍了内地医药卫生体制改革的进展。他表示,多年来,香港和内地联系日益加强、交流日益广泛。香港在医院管理、人才培养、学科建设、医疗监管等诸多方面形成了许多好的经验和做法,本次研讨会对于传播香港卫生工作经验,深化两地合作交流具有非常重要的意义。 From May 6 to 10, 2014, Sun Zhigang, deputy director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, was invited to attend the 2014 Hong Kong Hospital Authority Seminar and to exchange information on community health in Macao. At the opening ceremony of the HA meeting in Hong Kong, Sun Zhigang briefed delegates to the conference on the progress of the reform of the medical and health system in the Mainland. He said that over the years, the contact between Hong Kong and the Mainland has been increasingly strengthened and exchanges have become increasingly widespread. Hong Kong has developed many good experiences and practices in hospital management, personnel training, discipline construction and medical supervision. The seminar is of great significance to spreading the experience of health work in Hong Kong and deepening the cooperation and exchange between the two places.
随着社会经济的不断发展,人们的用电量不断增加,变压器的作用亦越来越大,由变压器引发的火灾也日趋增多,有效预防变压器火灾越来越重要。 输配电用的变压器中,最常见的为油浸电
“Complexity implies the feeling of being lost;simplicity implies the feeling of being found”复杂暗示着迷失,而简单则暗示着找回了出路“科技的发展模式,促使它们必
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