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1996年我国实际利用外资552.2亿美元,其中外商直接投资423.5亿,分别比上一年增长14.2%和12.2%,是继1994年和1995年之后第三个持续引资高峰,引资额仅次于美国,居全球第二位.与此同时,我国的协议外资额却并不让人乐观,协议外资(直接投资部分)自1993年达到1114亿美元的高峰后,便始终徘徊在700—900亿美元左右,1996年协议额732亿美元,比上年又下降了近20个百分点.面对如此局面,人们普遍关心今年我国的利用外资形势,记者为 In 1996, China actually utilized 55.22 billion U.S. dollars of foreign investment, of which foreign direct investment reached 42.35 billion yuan, an increase of 14.2% and 12.2% over the previous year respectively. It was the third peak of continued investment since 1994 and 1995, , Ranking second in the world.At the same time, our country’s contracted foreign investment is not optimistic. After the contracted foreign investment (direct investment) reached a peak of 111.4 billion U.S. dollars in 1993, it has been hovering between 70 and 90 billion U.S. dollars In 1996, the amount of agreement reached 73.2 billion U.S. dollars, a drop of nearly 20 percentage points from the previous year. Faced with such a situation, people are generally concerned about the situation of China’s utilization of foreign capital this year. The reporters are:
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