Research on HCI Prototype Design of Ink Automatic Control System for Offset Printer

来源 :武汉理工大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hujieguang
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In order to solve the low efficiency and poor precision problems of traditional ink control methods on domestic offset printers, developing modern ink automatic control system has become more and more urgent. As an important subsystem, the human computer interface (HCI) is a key function for the wholly automatic control. Once this goal is obtained, all the printing procedures especially the automatic control of ink volume should be finished with human computer interface in different areas. Considering the HCI design theory and structure characteristics of domestic printers comprehensively, the HCI prototype for automatic ink control system has been developed based on Visual Basic platform. As the individual ink key is instead of the integrated key, the division result of ink fountain can be displayed on the interface. Through the interface, the dynamic adjusting functions such as modifying ink volume, locking or unlocking each ink key and real-time displaying the adjusting results etc. can be completed. The simulation test has shown that the opening and practical feature of the prototype is satisfactory.
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