
来源 :四川农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq77880066
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83增抗剂是由北京农业大学教授裘维蕃等研究成功的我国第一例植物耐病毒诱导剂。 83增抗剂可钝化植物体内的病毒,并在体内诱导生理代谢的变化,进而抑制病毒的侵染,降低发病率,还能促进幼苗生长,增加株高、茎粗和坐果数,使作物早熟高产。这种制剂的最突出特点是无毒、无污染、无残留、无公害。据10省市20多个县市大田试验表明,83增抗剂使用于烟草、蔬菜、西瓜、玉米、小麦等作物,投入产出比 83 enhancers by the Beijing Agricultural University, Professor Qiu Wei Fan and other research success of China’s first case of plant virus-resistant agent. 83 enhancers can inactivate the virus in plants and in vivo induced changes in physiological metabolism, thereby inhibiting the virus infection, reduce the incidence, but also promote seedling growth, increase plant height, stem diameter and fruit set number, the crop Early maturity and high yield. The most prominent feature of this preparation is non-toxic, non-polluting, no residue, pollution-free. According to field tests in more than 20 counties and cities in 10 provinces and municipalities, it has been shown that 83 enhancers are used in crops such as tobacco, vegetables, watermelons, corn and wheat. The input-output ratio
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