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7月2~5日,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理马凯先后来到洛阳、武汉等地,深入军工及民口企业、科研院所、高校,调研了解国防科技工业军民融合发展情况,并主持召开座谈会,听取了相关意见和建议。他指出,近年来,我国国防科技工业军民融合发展取得了显著成绩,但还存在民参军渠道不畅,军转民动力不足,军民资源共享程度不高、机制不活等问题,要进一 On July 2-5, member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council Ma Kai successively came to Luoyang and Wuhan to go deep into military and civilian enterprises, research institutes and universities to investigate and understand the integration of military and civilian industries in the national defense science and technology industry. Presided over the forum, heard the relevant comments and suggestions. He pointed out: In recent years, remarkable achievements have been made in the integration of civil and military development in China’s national defense science and technology industry. However, there are still some problems such as the poor channels for the participation of the people, the lack of motivation for turning civilian forces into civilian service, the low level of military and civilian resource sharing, and the inactivation of mechanisms.
目前,越来越多的报刊文章喜欢用“划句号”来比喻某件事情、某种事物完成、结束或停止。例如: 七十三年历史划上句号,启德机场正式关闭。(《新民晚报》1998年7月8日) 句号是标点符号的一
对于生活和书本,年少的我都涉及太少,但它们还是给了我很多有益的东西。 我是在江南的水乡烟雨中度过自己的童年的。回眸如诗的童年,便有一组组意象纷至沓来:萋萋芳草、莫林牛眸
在学生群中,杨潇慧似乎并不引人注意。 因为在老师面前,她很笼统、简洁。像一线流萤,注意她时,看到一线绿光;稍不注意,这线光便很快消逝了。 很短的头发,白皙的皮肤,椭圆形的脸,爱笑,有
隆重·闪亮·缤纷 ──形容词系列 一个大型展览会开幕,一家大型商场开业,或是一种高新技术产品推向市场,选用什么形容词来形容呢?我们这些上了年纪的人,很自然要起用“隆重”:隆重
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。羊年大吉 开门见福 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile. The Year of
也许放弃才能靠近你,有种幸福注定不是我的 Maybe give up to get close to you, there is a kind of happiness that is not destined to me
学习《社戏》的写景方法,对学生来说,是一次难忘的逾越。 课是在一片寂静中开始的。我请同学们闭上眼睛,将江南月夜、白篷航船、碧绿丰茂的水草、一望无际的豆麦、绵延起伏的山
岁在己卯,1999年农历系兔年。兔,作为12生肖之一,是人们较为熟悉并且喜爱的动物。因而古往今来,有关兔的寓言、传说都很多。请以“兔”为话题。按下列要求作文。 1.搜集关于兔的谚语、俗