Road Safety

来源 :中学英语园地(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michaelgang1
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Every day we all use roads.We walk on them.We walk either along the rrrrrrrrrnpavement or across the road.If we are careless,we can cause accidents.rrrrrrrrrnAccidents often happen when people are crossing the road.Here is some advice.rrrrrrrrrnAlways use a footbridge or subway if you can find one.You cannot be hit rrrrrrrrrnby a car when you go over or under the road.When you have to cross the rrrrrrrrrnroad,here are some rules for you to follow:1.First,find a safe place to cross.rrrrrrrrrn2.Then stop and stand on the pavement near the edge.rrrrrrrrrn3.Look all round and listen for traffic and wait patientlyrrrrrrrrrn4.Walk straight across the road if there is no traffic and the road is clear.rrrrrrrrrn5.Keep an eye on traffic when you are crossing.Always use a zebra crossing if there is one.rrrrrrrrrnWhen you are on a zebra crossing,cars must stop.Go straight across rrrrrrrrrnand always walk on the zebra crossing.You must always pay attention to rrrrrrrrrntraffic lights.If the light is red,do not Every day we all use roads.We walk on them.We walk either along the therrrrrrrrrnpavement or across the road.If we are careless, we can cause Accidents.rrrrrrrrrnAccidents often engage when people are crossing the road.Here is some advice.rrrrrrr rrnAlways use a footbridge or subway if you can find one.You cannot be hit rrrrrrrrrnby a car when you go over or under the road.When you have to cross the rrrrrrrrnroad,here are some rules for you to follow:1.First,find a safe place to cross. rrrrrrrrrn2.Then stop and stand on the pavement near the edge.rrrrrrrrr n3.Look all round and listen for traffic and wait patientlyrrrrrrrrrn4.Walk straight across the road if there is no traffic and the road is clear. rrrrrrrrrn5. Keep an eye on traffic when you are crossing.Always use a zebra crossing if there is one.rrrrr rrrrnWhen you are on a zebra crossing,cars must stop.Go straight across rrrrrrrr Nand always walk on the zebra crossing.You must always pay attention to rrrrrrrrrntraffic lights.If the light is red, do not
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