
来源 :教育实践与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gwxy110
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传统的教学观是以教师为中心,学生是被动地接受教师传授的知识,学生无条件的服从教师事先安排好的教学环节。课堂上,教师提出问题,学生举手,经允许后才可发言。如教师讲到某一环节或某一个问题时,突然有个学生接教师的“话茬”,教学安排和教学思路被打乱了,那可是“大逆不道” The traditional teaching concept is teacher-centered, students passively accept the knowledge imparted by teachers, and students unconditionally obey the pre-arranged teaching links of teachers. In class, teachers ask questions and students raise their hands before they can speak. When a teacher talks about a certain issue or a certain question, he suddenly has a student who picks up the teacher’s words. The teaching arrangements and teaching ideas are disrupted. However,
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本论文对WEPP模型2002版进行了汉化处理,分别提取出了标准资源和非标准资源进行汉化测试,最终打包形成本论文的研究平台:汉化版的WEPP模型。  本论文研究主要分为四个部分
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