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2004年是全面落实党的十六大和十六届三中全会精神的重要一年,也是实现十五计划目标的关键一年。各地从各自实际情况出发,加大了国有企业的改革力度,出现了千帆竞发、百舸争流的新局面,进入了加快国有经济布局结构调整和建立现代产权制度为重点的新阶段。 破产只是国企转制的一种形式,但不是惟一形式。对于问题国企退出市场,动大手术是惟一的办法,不是在企业内部改制,而是从根本上转制。在体制不变的前提下,再高明的医术对于这样的企业也回天乏术。国企转制必然冲击旧的经济体制、行政管理、劳动就业、干部管理,社会福利以及所有制结构,迫使它们从各自角度做出重大变革。 2004 is an important year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee. It is also a crucial year for realizing the goal of the Tenth Five-Year Plan. In light of their respective actual conditions, all localities have stepped up the reform of state-owned enterprises, a new situation has emerged in which thousands of sail competitions and the competition of hundred powers have taken place. This has entered a new phase focusing on accelerating the structural adjustment of the state-owned economy and establishing a modern property rights system. Bankruptcy is only a form of state-owned enterprise restructuring, but not the only form. For state-owned enterprises to exit the market, the major move is the only way, not within the restructuring, but fundamentally restructuring. In the same premise of the system, and then clever medical technology for such enterprises are back to days without surgery. The transformation of state-owned enterprises must inevitably impact on the old economic system, administration, labor and employment, cadre management, social welfare and ownership structure, forcing them to make major changes from their perspectives.
我的爱好是数学。有人认为数学就是抽象的、枯燥的习题,是离生活很远的。其实不然,数学在生活中无处不在,人们的生活也离不开数学。我们买东西时,离不开数学;修建楼房 My ho
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解说:在森林里,长颈鹿、刺猬、小鸟儿和小白兔是好朋友,她们经常在一起玩。有一天小刺猬发现了一颗大大的樱桃树 Commentary: In the forest, giraffes, hedgehogs, small b
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浩瀚的宇宙中,月球是离地球最近的天体。自古以来,人们对它产生过无穷的幻想,进行不断的探索,逐步了解神秘的月球。    记录月亮变化   东汉人张衡善于观察月亮的变化,了解到月球本身并不发光,月光是日光的反射。他对月亮运行的记录十分精确,准确解释了月食和日食出现的原因。  张衡发明世界上第一个准确表演天象的漏水转浑天仪,还制造了测试地震的仪器——候风地动仪,还制作了指南车、自动记里程的鼓车、飞行数千
介绍了振动锤隔振弹簧设计方法给出了隔振参数计算必要的取值范围,可供实际设计参考。 The design method of the vibration hammer vibration isolation spring is introdu