
来源 :生命的化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxxxkeat
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芳香化酶是机体雌激素合成的限速酶之一,在调节机体雌激素平衡方面发挥着重要作用。近年来研究发现,骨骼肌内也存在芳香化酶的表达和雌激素的生成,并有研究提示雌激素水平的下降导致了骨骼肌雌激素受体和骨骼肌质量的下降。然而调控芳香化酶的水平,是否可以减缓由雌激素分泌量减少导致的肌肉减少症,还没有定论。本综述在介绍芳香化酶结构和催化机制的基础上,探讨芳香化酶、雌激素、骨骼肌三者的作用关系,旨在探究芳香化酶和雌激素对维持骨骼肌健康的作用。 Aromatase is one of the rate-limiting enzymes in the synthesis of estrogen in the body and plays an important role in regulating the body’s estrogen balance. Recent studies have found that aromatase expression and estrogen production also exist in skeletal muscle. Some studies suggest that the decline of estrogen level leads to the decline of skeletal muscle estrogen receptor and skeletal muscle mass. However, whether the level of aromatase regulation can reduce the myopathy caused by decreased estrogen secretion remains to be determined. Based on the introduction of the structure and catalytic mechanism of aromatase, this review explored the roles of aromatase, estrogen and skeletal muscle in exploring the role of aromatase and estrogen in maintaining skeletal muscle health.
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