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江苏省扬州市总工会高云报道江苏省扬州市政府出台措施,进一步提高了扬州市级劳模的有关待遇。调整了市劳模春节慰问金标准,从原来的300元调整为600元,所需资金由扬州市财政局纳入当年财政预算,市总工会负责发放。调整了市劳模特殊困难帮扶资金标准,由每人3000元/年,按7%的困难面计提;调整为每人5000元/年,按10%计提。所需资金由扬州市财政局纳入当年财政预算,市总工会具体负责帮扶。调整了市劳模荣誉津贴标准。企业退休并保持荣誉的市级劳模原荣誉津贴从每月60元调整为120元;对男年满60周岁、女年满55周岁的农民劳模原荣誉津贴从每人每月60元调 Yang Yun, Jiangsu Province Federation of Trade Unions Gao Yun reported Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, the introduction of measures to further raise the Yangzhou municipal model workers related treatment. Adjustment of the Spring Festival holiday labor market gold standard, from the original 300 yuan to 600 yuan, the required funds from Yangzhou City Bureau of Finance into the current budget, the city is responsible for the payment of the Federation of Trade Unions. The adjustment of the financial difficulties of special funds for the helplessness of the model workers in cities was raised from 3,000 yuan per person per year to 7% for the difficult ones. The adjustment was 5,000 yuan per person per year, accrued at 10%. Funding required by the Yangzhou City Bureau of Finance into the current budget, the city is responsible for helping the general trade unions. Adjust the city labor model honor allowance standard. Enterprises retired and maintain the honor of the municipal model worker Original honor allowance from 60 yuan per month to 120 yuan; for men 60 years of age, women over the age of 55 farmers model labor honor allowance from 60 yuan per person per month
我看到一家著名企业在公司十周年庆时,成立了集团公司,有相当多的职位面向社会招聘。对我来说这是一个机会。为了应聘成功,我进行了精心的准备。去面 I saw a famous compan
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在一次学校文艺晚会上,甲乙两同学表演了以下一段小品.甲:听说老兄对勾股定理很有研究,是吗?乙:研究谈不上,多少知道一点罢了. At a school evening party, classmates A a