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西北联大作为抗战时期与设在昆明的国立西南联合大学南北呼应的高教界两颗璀璨明星之一,在秦岭与巴山之间奏响了一曲荡气回肠的文化弦歌,不仅延续了中华民族的文化命脉,收容流离失所的沦陷区广大师生,培养出一大批各行各业的建设者,而且奠定了抗战时期及战后西北地区高等教育的根基。然而,目前西北联大的历史处于被遗忘的边缘,无论对西北联大办学地周围的群众,还是对西北地区的文化教育界来说,它都已经成为“一所鲜为人知的大学”。如果不及时地去追寻它的点滴、缀连它的足迹、回味它的历程,它也许将永远沉寂在历史的风烟中。 As one of the two bright stars in the anti-Japanese war against the higher education sector, echoing north-south at Kunming’s National Southwestern Polytechnic University, it played a soul-stirring cultural string between the Qinling Mountains and Bashan Mountain. It not only continued the culture of the Chinese nation Lifeblood of the majority of teachers and students in displaced areas, train a large number of builders of all walks of life, and laid the foundation of higher education during the Anti-Japanese War and Northwest China. However, at present, the history of the Northwest United University is on the verge of being forgotten. It has become a “little-known university ” for both the masses around the Northwest Associated University and the cultural education community in the northwestern region, ". If not in a timely manner to trace its bit by bit, with its footprint, memorable its course, it may be forever silent in the history of the wind and smoke.
Objective: Even if the majority of patients with Guillain-Barrésyndrome (GBS) have a favourable functional outcome some residual motor and sensory signs and sy
Objective: To examine whether intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) treatment given in the acute phase of ischaemic stroke has a favoura
我院自2003年8月至2006年10月对出现临床症状12 h 内的34例急性脑梗死患者行经颅超声多普勒(TCD)检查。现将结果分析如下。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 34例急性脑梗死患者均经 CT