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在三个地区进行了大田试验和盆栽试验,研究农艺因素对杂交棉浙杂166的纤维产量和品质的影响及杂交种若干生理性状的杂种优势。结果表明,最佳种植密度和氮肥用量因地区而异,金华点要比杭州和慈溪要求较低的种植密度和较高的氮肥用量;播种日期以4月15日播种地膜覆盖的处理铃数最多。从纤维产量和衣指上看,最适密度和氮肥用量分别为每公顷4.5万株和180kg,播种日期为杭州和慈溪为4月15日,金华为4月20日,播种后全部地膜覆盖。不同密度、氮肥用量及播种期之间,纤维品质无显著差异,但慈溪点表现为N1(135kg·hm 2)处理的纤维长度显著低于其它氮肥用量较多的处理。叶绿素含量(以SPAD表示)生育期间变异很大,在初花期和吐絮期,杂交种浙杂166高于其双亲和常规品种泗棉3号,而在盛花期和结铃期恰好相反。杂种及其双亲的MDA含量在生育期间也表现出较大的变化,且杂种的变化模式与不育系相似,表现为蕾期较低,而初花期及此后保持较高。与双亲相比,浙杂166具有明显的SOD杂种优势,生育期间的变化模式也与不育系相似。 Field experiments and pot experiments were conducted in three areas to study the effects of agronomic factors on the fiber yield and quality of hybrid Zheza 166 and the heterosis of several physiological traits in hybrids. The results showed that the optimum planting densities and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer varied from region to region. Jinhua Point required lower planting density and higher nitrogen fertilizer amount than Hangzhou and Cixi. The sowing date of April 15 was the highest . From the fiber yield and finger point of view, the most appropriate density and nitrogen fertilizer were 4.5 million per hectare and 180kg, sowing dates for Hangzhou and Cixi on April 15, Jinhua April 20, all the mulching after sowing. There were no significant differences in fiber quality between different planting densities, nitrogen application rates and sowing dates. However, the length of fibers treated with N1 (135 kg · hm 2) at Cixi Point was significantly lower than that of other nitrogenous fertilizers. Chlorophyll content (expressed as SPAD) varied greatly during growth period. At the beginning of florescence and boll opening stage, Zheza 166 hybrid was higher than its parents and conventional cotton variety Simian No.3, but opposite in full flowering and boll stage. The MDA content of hybrids and their parents also showed great changes during the growth period, and the hybrid patterns of hybrids were similar to those of CMS lines. The results showed that the hybrid buds had lower buds and higher initial flowering and thereafter. Compared with the parents, Zheza 166 had obvious heterosis of SOD, and its variation pattern during the growth period was also similar to that of the male sterile lines.
一点晚间的音乐在远处悄悄响起   ——献给罗伯特·勃莱  一点晚间的音乐  在远处悄悄响起  那种神秘的声音  笼罩头顶  这样的时候  许多不可抗拒的意念  已深入其中  你每天都要和太阳在一起  每天都要生活在音乐  和杂乱的脚步之中  你抽烟的姿势  稳重、开放  不再刻意追求那种完美的秩序  你知道,所有的心事  都已包含其中  而如今我总是危坐窗前  交叠着手指  作为男人  我们写诗,
第一部分:咪喹莫特的合成咪喹莫特是由美国3M Pharmaceuticals公司研制的外用免疫调节剂,临床上用于尖锐湿疣症的治疗。 本文对咪喹莫特的合成工艺进行了研究和改进。以丙二
倒 立  耍猴人敲了五遍锣,挥了五次鞭子  猴子仍然拒绝  倒立。围观的人  开始向场内吐唾沫、扔玉米粒  咒骂忤逆的猴子  猴子不恼不怒,捡起一粒玉米  吃完又捡起一粒。不时瞟一眼  烦躁不安的人群  太阳下山的时候,猴子已经  挨了二十几鞭子,但是仍然  拒绝倒立。它吃光了地上的玉米  慢慢走回自己的笼子那 天  那天,在济南  下飞机后无处可去  汗水津津  被我嗅到了,热腾腾地  漫过身体
四月小思  四月的风吹透了那片山林  乍暖还寒如我之心  静静地  父亲独处在这一方阴冷  我内疚的心很苍凉  啊 父亲  这只口琴  走时忘了让你带上  你曾经用它  吹响了  多少旧日的时光  给了我  童年的一片晴朗  天空中 鸽子在飞翔  我忘了让你带上  父亲啊  你的这个酒囊  那只羊皮酒囊啊  岁月的点点滴滴哟  生命的琼浆  让我回味  教我品尝  我很后悔  没有口琴与酒囊的日子
目的: 观察药物苦参碱,胺碘酮对心肌梗死48 h后大鼠右心室细胞钾电流、钙电流和[Ca2+]i的影响。 方法: 实验分为正常对照组、心梗组、苦参碱组、胺碘酮组。于心梗后48 h,