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一些干部对巡视组不讲真话,个别领导作风霸道,没有形成讲真话的政治氛围,怕讲真话于己不利,甚至有的人对巡视组把问题当成绩讲。针对这些工作中存在的问题,本刊记者专访中纪委、中央组织部巡视组组长任克礼,请他就当前在巡视工作中发现和存在的问题回答了记者的提问。任克礼强调指出,要大力倡导实事求是精神,解决不讲真话的问题。他说,巡视制度是新时期加强党的建设、加强党内监督的重要措施。 Some cadres do not speak the truth to the inspection teams, and the individual leaders are arrogant in their style of work. There is no political atmosphere for telling the truth, fear of telling the truth is unfavorable, and even some people make statements about the problems the inspection team put on the record. In response to these problems in work, our correspondents interviewed Ren Keli, inspector general of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the Central Organization Department, asking him to answer questions raised by reporters on the current problems found in the inspection work. Ren Keli emphasized that we must vigorously promote the spirit of seeking truth from facts and solve the problem of not telling the truth. He said that inspection system is an important measure to strengthen party building and strengthen inner-party supervision in the new era.