
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TemplarLee
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稻纵卷叶螟(Cnapkalocrocis medinalis Guenee)是我国和东南亚、东北亚一些国家水稻上重要害虫。国内除新疆外,南起海南岛,北迄黑龙江,东自台湾,西到西藏都有发生。近十多年来,我国大发生频次显著增加,为害程度日趋严重。多数稻区的病虫测报站相继开始把稻纵卷叶螟的观察和研究列入日程,1973年制定了全国统一的测报办法。但由于对稻纵卷叶螟远距离的迁飞特性和规律尚不清楚,在测报工作中往往不能准确预报,使防治工作陷于被动。自1978年起,在总结了我国东半部稻纵卷叶螟迁飞规律的基础上,建立了全国联合测报网,修订了测报办法,各代发生期间彼此互通虫情、苗情和天气情况,全面分析各地虫情发生趋势和变化规律,初步形成了异地与本地、中期与短期相结合的联合体制,指导了大田防治。 Cnapkalocrocis medinalis Guenee is an important rice pest in China and some countries in Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. In addition to Xinjiang, Hainan Island starts from the south, Heilongjiang from the north, Taiwan from the east and west to Tibet. In the past decade or so, the frequency of major accidents in our country has risen markedly and the degree of harm has become increasingly serious. Pest and disease forecasting stations in most of the rice areas have started to put the observation and research on the rice leaf roller in order to enter the agenda. In 1973, a unified national reporting method was formulated. However, due to the long-distance flight characteristics and laws of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, it is not clear that it often can not be accurately predicted in the survey, which makes the prevention and control work passive. Since 1978, on the basis of summarizing the law of migration of rice leaf roller in the eastern half of our country, a nationwide united measurement network has been set up and measures for measuring and reporting have been revised. The situation of insects, seedlings and weather during each generation have been revised , A comprehensive analysis of the trends and changes in the pattern of insects throughout the region, initially formed a combination of remote and local, medium and short-term joint system, guiding field control.
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近十年来,黑肩绿肓蝽Cyrtorhinus livldipennis作为稻叶蝉和稻飞虱卵和若虫期的捕食性天敌,引起了国内外的广泛注意。IRR I(1971—1974)报导了在笼养条件下,黑肩绿肓蝽对褐