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为了供有关科技人员参考,现将所了解到的部分炼铁厂技术改造动向及经济效果归纳整理如下.一、加强矿石混匀、筛分和计量近年来矿石入炉前过筛的措施推广很快,1980年只有30%的高炉有槽下过筛设施,现在重点企业49%的高炉采用了这项措施.全国42家地方骨干钢铁厂,已有9家建成了过筛设施,有2家计划在今年施工.过筛后,入炉矿含粉率一般可以控制在10%以下.其中本钢一铁厂、太钢、唐钢及首钢2号高炉的入炉原料粉末已降到5%左右.绝大多数炼铁厂所采用的都是机械筛.重钢和涟钢试用了风力筛,以达到既筛分又除尘的目的. For the reference of relevant scientific and technical personnel, it is understood that some of the trends and economic effects of technological transformation of ironworks summarized as follows: First, to strengthen ore mixing, screening and measurement of ore sifting measures in recent years, the promotion is very Fast, only 30% of the blast furnaces had trough screening facilities in 1980, and 49% of the blast furnaces in key industries now employ this measure.4 of the 42 local backbone steel plants in the country have already built nine screening facilities and two Plan to be constructed this year.Screening, into the furnace ore powder rate can generally be controlled below 10% of which a steel mill, Taigang, Tangshan Iron and Steel Company and No. 2 blast furnace into the furnace blast furnace raw powder has been reduced to 5% Around the vast majority of steel mills are used mechanical sieve.Rail steel and Lianyuan trial wind sieve, in order to achieve both the purpose of screening and dust removal.
1 病例简介病例1女,37岁。头痛,多汗及阵发性晕厥1周,既往无高血压史。外院 B 超提示“肝右叶脓肿”。严观病情,于再次出现头痛时测 BP 26.7/17.3kPa,约2min,血压自行下降18
本期刊登了1982年《Mining Annual Review》上有色金属经济评论文章的译文,以供读者了解当前世界有色金属的经营概况时参考。 This issue of the 1982 edition of the “Min
一年前采用Kl?ckner厂发明的新炼钢法(KS法)的新工厂将要投产.《Stahl u. Eisen》101(1981), Nr. 10, 639-640首次报导了它的工艺流程、设备能力和能源消耗.兹介绍如下:目前
根据国际镁业协会的数字,资本主义和第三世界国家1981年第一季度的镁产量,虽然比1980年度所达到的数字略有下降,但仍然继续保持较高的水平。 According to figures from th
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