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晋江籍菲华作家的代际出现与菲华新文学的产生、发展与兴盛同步,在菲华新文学发展的每一个历史阶段都发挥了关键性作用。他们领导建设文学社团,主编文艺刊物,发起文学论争,发表文学主张,直接推动菲华文学的发展与繁荣。他们在创作上也取得了重要成绩,题材内容上,广泛涉猎,观照视野较为开阔,艺术手法上,传统与现代并存,多样化的艺术试验尤为令人瞩目。晋江籍菲华作家成为菲华文学的中流砥柱,在菲律宾文坛产生持续而广泛的影响,成为一种引人瞩目的独特文学现象,可称之为菲律宾华文文学中的“晋江现象”。 The intergenerational appearance of writers in Jinjiang from both China and Philippines is in synchronic with the emergence, development and flourishing of the new literature in the Philippines, and has played a key role in every historical stage of the development of the new literature in China. They lead the construction of literary societies, edit literary journals, launch literary debates and publish literary propositions to directly promote the development and prosperity of the Philippine Chinese literature. They have also made important achievements in their writing. The content of the theme is extensive, the field of vision is broader, and the art experimentation, the coexistence of tradition and modernity, and the diversified artistic experiments are particularly noteworthy. Jinjiang Ji Feihua writers become the mainstay of the Philippine Chinese literature in the Philippine literary world to produce a sustained and widespread influence has become a remarkable phenomenon of unique literature can be called Philippine Chinese literature “Jinjiang phenomenon.”
<正>今年的农历二月初二,是一年一度的淮阳羲皇故都朝祖会的第一天, 数万名赶会的群众如潮水般从四面八方向太昊陵涌来。万头攒动的人群,旱船、盘鼓、舞龙、挑花篮等独具地域
目的 :构建科学、客观、可行的临床护士核应急救援知识体系。方法 :在已构建的核应急护理救援流程的基础上,结合文献分析及相关规定初步编制临床护士核应急救援知识体系框架,
【正】 陶渊明是我国东晋末年的大诗人,他的作品对后世发生过深远的影响,在文学史上占有重要的地位。陶渊明生活的时代正是晋宋易代之际,这是我国历史上特別黑暗混乱的时代。