
来源 :河南税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changsj
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随着国民经济的调整发展和财税体制改革的不断深入,税务部门组织收入和调控经济的任务日益繁重,依靠科学的管理理论、管理方法和电子计算机、通信网络等现代化技术手段进行税务管理,提高征收管理的质量和效率,强化税收的聚财和调控功能,是税收发展的必然选择。 近年来,经过从中央到地方各级税务部门的积极探索和不懈努力,逐步勾划出了深化税收征管改革的任务:即建立以申报纳税和优化服务为基础,以计算机网络为依托,集中征收、重点稽查的新的征管模式。这一任务的提出,为税收电子化和税收征收管理之间有机的、系统的建设找到了最好的结合部,因此,研究分析两者之间的系统观,具有理论上的重要性和实际工 With the readjustment and development of the national economy and the continuous deepening of the reform of the fiscal and taxation system, the tasks of the tax department in organizing revenue and controlling the economy are becoming more and more arduous. Relying on scientific management theory, management methods and modern technical means such as electronic computers and communication networks, tax administration is improved The quality and efficiency of the collection and management of tax collection and strengthen the tax collection and control functions, is the inevitable choice for tax development. In recent years, with the active exploration and unremitting efforts of the tax authorities at all levels from the central authorities to local governments, the task of deepening the reform of tax collection and management has been gradually outlined. That is, based on the application of tax returns and service optimization, and based on computer networks, , Focus on the new tax collection inspection mode. This task was proposed to find the best combination for the organic and systematic construction of tax electronization and tax collection and management. Therefore, it is of theoretical importance and practical to study and analyze the systematic conception of the two systems work
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三、税务代理的原则 税务代理工作应当遵循的原则,归纳起来,有以下几个方面: 依法代理和自愿委托代理原则。开展税务代理业务必须依照税收法令和法规进行,不能违反税法规定
王奕洋,不知你是否还记得“大变超人”这个绰号是如何而来,但我至今记忆犹新。低年级时的我们认字不多,总将你名字中的“奕洋”读成“变洋”。如此这般,总觉得“变洋”读来颇为拗口,就索性称你为“大变”;而你又有许多超于常人之处,于是大家便叫你“大变超人”。  那时的你热衷于跑步,虽说成绩挺好,但动作实在让人不敢恭维。那次的运动会,发令枪一响,你先是一脸嫌弃地向后一躲,然后才慢悠悠地邁开腿去追那些已经跑了好
Cyclosprin是一种新型免疫抑制剂。其结构是由11个氨基酸组成的环状肽。为早在1970年由Tolypocladium inflatum Gams的培养液中提出来的具有抗菌作用的代谢产物,后来经过分