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平行线是初中几何的一个重要内容,是进行几何证明的起始课,对学好几何有深远影响.在这章学习中,经常会遇到一些看似较难的几何题,运用某个几何图形的结论后,问题便迎刃而解,显示出强大的优势.下面,介绍一个平行线的基本图形.一、命题及证明命题如图1,已知AB∥CD,求证:∠BED=∠B+∠D.A C D E B图1%证法1用平行线的性质在∠BED内,过E点作射线EF∥AB, Parallel lines are an important part of junior high school geometry and are the initial lesson for geometric proof. They have far-reaching influence on the learning of good geometry. In this chapter, we often encounter some seemingly difficult geometric problems, using a geometry The problem will be solved, showing a strong advantage. Here, the basic graphics of a parallel line. First, the proposition and proof of proposition Figure 1, known AB ∥ CD, verify: ∠ BED = ∠ B + ∠ DA CDEB Figure 1% card law 1 with the nature of the parallel lines in the ∠ BED, over E point for the ray EF∥ AB,
1998年 5月 ,有 3例病人不慎将枣核嵌顿在食管 ,我院胃镜室利用胃镜 (GIF -Q30 )顺利地取出异物 ,现报道如下。1 病案介绍例 1,男 ,6 8岁 ,农民。以胸骨后剧疼伴梗咽感 4小时就
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买官卖官,实则是一种权力买卖。戴上这顶官帽才拥有这方权力,为了这方权力不惜重金购得一官半职。官和权似乎从来就是一对孪生兄弟,当官就有权,因为有权才想当官。买官卖官这一吏治腐败的兴盛,写照出芸芸众生对权力的渴求心态。  除此之外,还有另一种权力买卖。某市在国企改革中推出一项举措,花钱买权。怎么办呢?该市14个企业主管局均靠收取企业管理费度日,企业改革必然触动他们的既得利益,由此对改革进行抵制和抗衡。
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