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中科院打掉科举残余 中科院的人事制度改革被称为打掉科举残余,那么它的改革到底是一番怎样的情景呢?中科院的有关负责人就此作了详尽的解答。中科院办公厅的有关人士申明:“职称评审改革是我院人事制度改革中的一个步骤,而这项改革的深刻背景,则是基于中科院启动了知识创新工程试点工作。” 近3年来,中科院推出了一系列重要举措,废除一般科研单位的职称评定制度,“按需设岗,按岗聘任”,即是这些举措中的一项核心内容。 有关人士介绍道:“中科院现在实行的不是单纯的聘用制,而是评聘合一的用人制度。在这种制度中,‘研究员’等称谓不再是一种技 Chinese Academy of Sciences destroyed the imperial examination remnants Chinese Academy of Sciences reform of the personnel system is called knock down remnants of the Imperial Examination, then its reform in the end what kind of situation? The Chinese Academy of Sciences responsible person made a detailed answer to this. Relevant persons from the General Office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences affirmed that “the reform of job title review is a step in the reform of the personnel system in our hospital, and the profound background of this reform is based on the pilot project of the Knowledge Innovation Project initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.” Over the past three years, A series of important measures were taken to abolish the system of job title assessment of general scientific research institutes and “center on-job and on-job appointment” was one of the core of these measures. The person in charge said: "The Chinese Academy of Sciences is now not a simple employment system, but the evaluation of the employment system. In this system, 'researchers' and other titles are no longer a technology
本文对“西林”椭圆曲线作了定最描述,并就其特性进行了分析。作为数字例子,文中最后给出两个实际应用的设计结果。 In this paper, we describe the “Xilin” elliptic cu
请看花园里这只快乐的小熊,这位长着一头金发,戴着金色锥帽的小丑,再看看大红苹果里的四个小娃娃和微风轻轻撩开的窗帘……它们可都是用废花布块贴成的! Look at the happy
教育家斯霞老师爱的教育的真谛,永远是我们教育的追求。我们的教育旨在引导学生形成良好的行为习惯,自觉遵守纪律,促进学生健康发展。 Educator Si Xia teacher love the tr
Kate Kui是中央电视台英培频道Bia China栏目的主持人。她的谈话对手窦丁(笔名)是一位资深投资银行家,也是多家商学院的客座教授。窦丁阅读兴趣广泛,而且眼光老辣、话锋犀利
自从 1 996年中俄两国确立了面向 2 1世纪的战略协作伙伴关系后 ,特别是 1 998年年末 ,江泽民主席访俄 ,在新西伯利亚科学城会见科技界人士 ,并发表讲话 ,指出 :“中俄两国的