Time-triggered State-machine Reliable Software Architecture for Micro Turbine Engine Control

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinlinjie8
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Time-triggered (TT) embedded software pattern is well accepted in aerospace industry for its high reliability. Fi-nite-state-machine (FSM) design method is widely used for its high efficiency and predictable behavior. In this paper, the time-triggered and state-machine combination software architecture is implemented for a 25 kg thrust micro turbine engine (MTE) used for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system; also model-based-design development workflow for airworthiness software directive DO-178B is utilized. Experimental results show that time-triggered state-machine software architecture and development method could shorten the system development time, reduce the system test cost and make the turbine engine easily comply with the airworthiness rules. Fi-nite-state-machine (FSM) design method is widely used for its high efficiency and predictable behavior. In this paper, the time- triggered and state-machine combination software architecture is implemented for a 25 kg thrust micro turbine engine (MTE) used for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system; also model-based-design development workflow for airworthiness software directive DO-178B is utilized. results show that time-triggered state-machine software architecture and development method could shorten the system development time, reduce the system test cost and make the turbine engine easily comply with the airworthiness rules.
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加拿大在西半球的北美洲,由北京到多伦多,按加拿大航空公司的航班线路,北京至温哥华约8494公里、温哥华至多伦多还有约2507公里,即由北京飞多伦多,航线里程(当然不是直距)共约11000公里。   由北京飞往加拿大,“加航”和我国“国航”及其它几个国家的航空公司均有直航或经别国中转的国际航班。例如“加航”和我国“国航”的航班是只飞到温哥华,去加国其它城市的,须再转乘其他班机。自北京起飞后,先是