Influences of Used Parameters of Screw Distributor upon Mixture Paving Segregation

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sb37sb
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The paving segregation of asphalt mixture was closely related to the structure size and using parameters for the screw distributor of paver,and the paving uniformity of the mixture was determined by the screw blade diameter,pitch,and the position of the mixture in the screw distributor.Through researching the kinematics of the mixture in the screw distributor,the mathematical model was established,and the mathematical model was related with structural parameters,used parameters and material parameters.Through the mathematical model,the various parameters on the screw distributor job performance were analyzed,and the unstable area,meta-stable area and stable area were determined.In the project,the full-scale test in actual project was conducted by using the AC25 mixture.By changing the using parameters compare the paving operations,the results show that,the reasonable parameter will greatly improve the uniformity of paving,and the surface proportion of structural depth of mixture decrease from the 2.13 to 1.60. The paving segregation of asphalt mixture was closely related to the structure size and using parameters for the screw distributor of paver, and the paving uniformity of the mixture was determined by the screw blade diameter, pitch, and the position of the mixture in the screw distributor Thhough researching the kinematics of the mixture in the screw distributor, the mathematical model was established, and the mathematical model was related with structural parameters, used parameters and material parameters.Through the mathematical model, the various parameters on the screw distributor job performance were analyzed, and the unstable area, meta-stable area and stable area were determined. In the project, the full-scale test in actual project was conducted by using the AC25 mixture.By changing the using parameters compare the paving operations, the results show that, the reasonable parameter will greatly improve the uniformity of paving, and the surface proportion of structural depth of mixture decrea se from the 2.13 to 1.60.
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