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瞄准运动目标的装置包括:以激光束(8)能量标志目标(2)第一个点(73)的装置;当第一个点被跟踪目标的激光束(8)加热时,对由该点发射的红外辐射敏感的装置(31),以及用于指示目标易受攻击的第二个点,并使该点被跟踪的装置。全系统包括一个瞄准架4,开始时移动该瞄准架4,以便在电视摄像机23视场内捕获到目标。接着,对目标电视图像敏感的第一跟踪系统进入最初粗略瞄准阶段,使瞄准架轴上的目标居中.随后激光器7产生10.6μm脉冲,以便加热目标上的点73,并且在该点上的3~5μm的辐射范围内的接收机(31)上,对该辐射敏感的第二个跟踪系统自动转入跟踪该点,从而更准确地对准瞄准轴.最后,通过在业已定位的目标电视图像上移动十字线,操作员即可对选定的较易受攻击的点变换瞄准方向.该装置用于通过激光能量摧毁目标。 The means for aiming at the moving object comprise means for marking the first point (73) of the target (2) with the energy of the laser beam (8), means for detecting the movement of the laser beam (8) (31) emitting infrared radiation and a second point for indicating that the target is vulnerable, and making the point trackable. System-wide includes a sight frame 4 that is initially moved to capture the target within the field of view of the television camera 23. The first tracking system, which is sensitive to the target television image, then enters the initial coarse aiming phase, centering the target on the aiming axis. The laser 7 then generates a 10.6 [mu] m pulse to heat the point 73 on the target, and on the receiver (31) in the 3 to 5 [mu] m range of radiation at this point, the second radiation-sensitive tracking system automatically switches Track this point to more accurately align the aiming axis. Finally, by moving the crosshair over the targeted TV image, the operator can change the aiming direction for the selected, more vulnerable point. The device is used to destroy the target by laser energy.
产品/服务种类:日用品及服饰珠宝类选送单位:明锐互动Media Contacts中国传播运动策划实施背景郭美美、随手拍、姚晨的粉丝都过了千万,但这一系列的事件只抓到了眼球,微博的
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“今年是中国抗日战争胜利70周年,希望有机会前往武汉中国抗日空军烈士墓,祭扫包括安家驹在内的12位在武汉保卫战中英勇献身的抗战中国空军英烈。”4月3日,正值清明前夕,安家驹的堂侄安国平对记者说。  安家驹生于1910年3月,广东高要新桥镇多等村人,21岁从中央航空学校一期毕业。因飞行技术娴熟,成为中国首批空军飞行员。“七·七”卢沟桥事变后,安家驹经常驾机轰炸上海、南京、长江沿岸一带日军基地及舰艇,
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