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潘垣,1933年生,湖北省宜昌市人,中共党员,磁约束聚变技术、高功率脉冲电源技术专家。1955年毕业于华中工学院,1958年起先后在二机部401所、核工业部585所和中科院等离子体物理所从事核聚变与等离子体科学技术研究,现任华中科技大学学术委员会副主任。 Pan Yuan, born in 1933, Yichang City, Hubei Province, member of the Communist Party of China, magnetic confinement fusion technology, high-power pulse power supply technology experts. He graduated from Huazhong Institute of Technology in 1955 and worked in 401 Institute of Machine Building, 585 Ministry of Nuclear Industry and Institute of Plasma Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1958, and is currently the deputy director of Academic Committee of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
采用正交实验方法 ,对常用的硬聚氯乙烯塑料 (PVC)的超声焊接主要工艺参数进行试验研究 ,提出了针对焊接强度的最佳工艺参数组合。 Orthogonal experiment method was used
2001年7月,酷热的上海迎来了国际学界举足轻重的人物,也是中国学界的西马宗师——杰姆逊教授(Fredric Jameson又译詹明信)。就在远离繁华热闹市区的大学校园里,杰教授作了题
The influence of the linear birefringence on magneto-optical property measurement for optical fibers is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The evolu
The interactions and collisions of time delayed solitons in optical waveguides with orthogonally polarized modes are studied. Direct numerical simulations of th
We are in a world of instantaneous communication where professional and academic connections are only a clic away.Yet I do not believe we can say that we have a
目的 总结经皮射频消融(PRFA)治疗肿瘤直径<5 cm小肝癌的疗效和经验.方法 1999年8月至2002年6月期间,以根治为目的,采用PRFA治疗肿瘤直径≤5 cm的单个原发性肝癌共84例,22例结合经皮肝动脉栓塞化疗;35例同时行PRFA联合瘤内无水酒精注射术.结果肿瘤≤3 cm组55例中第1年出现肝内复发者2例,死亡1例;第2年出现肝内复发者2例,死亡1例.肿瘤大小介于3~5 cm组29例中