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小学数学教学过程中,教师应当充分认识到学生不同的接受程度,针对不同接受能力的学生分层教学,这种教学模式不仅能提高教师的教学进程,而且能更好地帮助学生理解接受课堂知识。在教学中,我们应当针对不同层次的学生制订不同的教学计划。在课堂上,我们也应当对教学内容进行相关的层次划分,有深浅主次之分地进行相关教学,这种有针对性的教学训练是实施新课标的有力体现,通 During the process of primary school mathematics teaching, teachers should fully recognize the students’ different acceptance levels and aim at different levels of students’ ability to accept teaching. This teaching mode can not only improve teachers’ teaching process, but also help students to understand and accept classroom knowledge better . In teaching, we should formulate different teaching plans for different levels of students. In the classroom, we should also carry out the relevant levels of teaching content, there are depth of primary and secondary teaching, this targeted teaching and training is a powerful manifestation of the implementation of the new curriculum standard, through
MicroRNAs(miRNAs) are endogenous small RNAs playing a crucial role in plant growth and development,as well as stress responses.Among them,some are highly evolut
本文主要介绍图和有向图的测地数的研究进展和在这方面所做的工作,主要工作包括以下三个部分:  (1)确定测地数为n-1,n-2的图G的结构;  (2)考虑测地数为5的图G,证明该类图对于
随着以可汗学院(Khan Academy)与TEDEd为代表的国外在线微视频(时长约5-15分钟)学习资源的出现与流行,大规模开放网络课程(MOOC)以及诸如在“翻转课堂”(Flipped Classroom)
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本文致力于研究带随机利率的风险模型的破产问题,带常利率经典的风险模型的分红问题和保费收入随机化的风险模型的破产问题。 自从经典的风险模型提出后,许多研究人员对此进
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