突出学生主体地位 培养语文探究能力

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新课程改革把培养学生的探究能力放在突出地位,探究能力是提高学生语文素养的一个极为重要的内容。让学生养成探究意识,逐步提高探究能力是时代赋予的任务;培养、提高探究能力,也是一个人成长发展的内在需要。人在接受教育、接受环境影响的过程中,完全有可能而且也应当发展自我意识和创新能力,积极创造新的生活环境和文化环境,真正成为有独立人格和个性的文明人。 The new curriculum reform puts students’ exploration skills on a prominent position. Exploring abilities is an extremely important aspect of improving students’ Chinese language accomplishment. Allowing students to develop a sense of inquiry and gradually increase the ability to explore is a task entrusted by the times; cultivating and improving the ability to explore is also an intrinsic need for one’s growth and development. In the process of receiving education and accepting environmental influence, it is entirely possible and should also develop self-awareness and innovative ability, actively create a new living environment and cultural environment, and truly become a civilized person with independent personality and personality.
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上个周末中学同学聚会。茶余饭后,无外乎聊些老公孩子重点学校排行榜,还有就是女人永恒的话题譬如减肥、化妆、服装。在各种陌生的名牌称谓莺声燕语中,我埋头胡吃海喝,但还是不幸被发现对各种流行时尚一窍不通。  被批驳得体无完肤后,我也深刻认识到应该要以实际行动拉动内需,遂虚心请教美容心得。一同学现为跨国公司部门高管,和蔼可亲地先从彩妆要点娓娓道来:“唇膏是重点的重点。点缀朱唇的唇部彩妆是身为美人不可或缺的