Genomic structure of metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 and comparison of genomic structures of extra

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Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7, coupled with a chemical neurotransmitter L-glutamate, plays an important role in the development of many psychiatric and neurological disorders. To study the biological and genetic mechanism of the mGluR7-related diseases, a physical map covering the full-length mGluR7 genomic sequence has been constructed through seed clone screening and fingerprinting database searching. These BAC clones in the physical map have been sequenced with shotgun strategy and assembled by Phred-Phrap-Consed software; the error rate of the final genoniic sequence is less than 0.01%. mGluR7 spans 880 kb genoniic region, the GC content and repeat content of mGluR7 genoniic sequence are 38% and 37.5% respectively. mGluR7 has a typical “house-keeping” promoter and consists of 11 exons, with introns ranging from 6 kb to 285 kb. mGluR7a and mGluR7b are two known alternatively splicing variants. Comparing the genomic structures of extracellular domains of mGluR family, their genomic structures can b To study the biological and genetic mechanism of the mGluR7-related diseases, a physical map covering the full-length The BAC clones in the physical map have been sequenced with shotgun strategy and assembled by Phred-Phrap-Consed software; the error rate of the final genoniic sequence is less than 0.01 % mGluR7 spans 880 kb genoniic region, the GC content and repeat content of mGluR7 genoniic sequences are 38% and 37.5% respectively. mGluR7 has a typical “house-keeping ” promoter and consists of 11 exons, with introns ranging from 6 kb to 285 kb. mGluR7a and mGluR7b are two known alternatively splicing variants. Comparing the genomic structures of extracellular domains of the mGluR family, their gen omic structures can b
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