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模拟地层高温高压条件下岩石物性的测试技术是当今岩心分析领域的发展趋势。文章介绍了高温高压岩石气体孔隙度自动测试系统CPM.该系统是应用气体状态方程原理,可以在20℃(室温)至150℃的温度和1MPa至70MPa的围限压力条件下测试岩石的孔隙度。数据采集系统采用了计算机接口技术,不仅自动化程度高,而且测试精度也高,孔隙度误差一般小于0.3pu。大量实测岩心结果表明,岩石高温高压孔隙度小于常温常压孔隙度。孔隙度是刻度测井地质参数和储量计算的输入参数,必须在模拟地层条件下进行测试。 The test technology of rock physical property under simulated high temperature and high pressure is the developing trend in the field of core analysis today. This paper introduces the high temperature and pressure rock gas porosity automatic test system CPM. The system is based on the principle of gas equation of state and can test the porosity of rocks at a temperature of 20 ° C (room temperature) to 150 ° C and a confining pressure of 1 MPa to 70 MPa. Data acquisition system uses a computer interface technology, not only high degree of automation, but also high test accuracy, porosity error is generally less than 0.3pu. A large number of measured core results show that rock porosity is less than normal temperature and pressure porosity. Porosity is an input parameter to the geologic and reserve calculations of scale logs and must be tested under simulated formation conditions.
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