坚持扩大民主 真正落实群众的“四权”

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坚持正确的用人导向,提高选人用人公信度,是党的十七大对深化干部人事制度改革提出的一项新要求。改革开放30年来,我国干部人事制度改革力度不断加大,在扩大民主、完善考核、推进交流、加强监督等方面不断取得新的突破,选人用人的公信度不断提高。但是在取得成绩的同时也应当清醒地看到,干部人事制度改革与建设社会主义民主政治、发展社会主义市场经济的要求还有差距,在选人用人方面还存在一些问题。特别是在当前,我国的社会主义现代化事业正进入一个新的发展阶段,我们党的干部队伍正处于整体性新老交替的重要时期,建设一支人民群众满意、能够担当历史重任的干部队伍,已成为落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会、夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利的迫切需要。2008年8月7日至8日,自治区党的建设研究会在泾源县召开了常务理事理论研讨会。自治区党的建设研究会会长韩茂华、党建研究会副会长、常务理事、相关部门领导等30余人参加了会议。会议围绕“提高选人用人公信度”这个主题,在如何完善领导干部选任机制、扩大干部工作民主、坚持正确用人导向等方面展开了为期两天的理论研讨与交流活动。现将研讨会交流的重要观点和信息,予以介绍。 Adhering to the correct orientation of employing people and increasing the credibility of selecting and employing people is a new requirement put forward by the 17th CPC National Congress to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system. In the 30 years since the reform and opening up, the reform of the cadre and personnel system in our country has been continuously intensified. New breakthroughs have been made in expanding democracy, improving examination, promoting exchanges, and strengthening supervision. The credibility of selecting and employing people continues to rise. However, achievements should be made clear at the same time that there is still a gap between the reform of the cadre and personnel system and the requirements of building a socialist democratic politics and developing a socialist market economy. There are still some problems in the selection and employment of personnel. In particular, at present, the cause of socialist modernization in our country is entering a new stage of development. The cadre ranks of our party are in an important period where new and old people are turning their hands together. We must build a contingent of cadres who are satisfied with the people and shoulder the heavy responsibility of history. Has become an urgent need to implement the scientific concept of development, build a harmonious society and seize a new victory in building an overall well-to-do society. From August 7 to August 8, 2008, the Autonomous Region Party Building Research Conference held a seminar on executive director theory in Jingyuan County. More than 30 people, including Han Maohua, chairman of the party’s construction research association, vice chairman of the party-building research association, standing director and leaders of relevant departments, attended the meeting. The conference revolved around the theme of “improving the credibility of the candidates for employment”, launching a two-day theoretical discussion and exchange on how to perfect the mechanism of selecting leading cadres, expanding cadre work democracy and upholding proper employment orientation. The important points and information on the exchange of seminars are now introduced.