
来源 :高中生学习·高二版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llsnow_2009
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  It’s commonly known that it’s extremely difficult for college graduates to get an ideal job nowadays. I thought the reasons mainly include the following aspects.
  First, the number of graduates is increasing, which makes the competition more and more severe. Second, many companies are cutting down the sizes due to the global financial crisis, so it is harder for graduates to get an ideal job. Third, at present our education lays too much emphasis on marks instead of ability. Therefore, our students don’t have enough practical experience to adapt to society.
  As a high school student, what we can do now is to study hard to lay a strong foundation for our future. Meanwhile, we should pay more attention to social practice not only some theories in the textbook. Only by doing so can we be better prepared for the future.
  点评 本文是一篇议论文,合理地运用了三段式布局。第一段开门见山点明了主题;第二段详细分析了造成毕业生找不到理想工作的三个原因,而且分别从当前大的社会环境、经济形势以及学校教育三个不同角度来介绍,构思巧妙,合情合理;第三段结合第二段的具体问题委婉地提出了两点切实可行的建议,最后用强调句型来点睛整个文章。
  Last week our class had a heat discussion about whether girl students must cut off their long hair. Opinions are divided among us.
  More than half of the students are in favor of what the school has done, they hold the view that keeping long hair may occupy our lot of time and energy, on the other hand, we can devote more to our study with short hair. Besides, being a student, it will make us look more energetic to keep short hair.
  However, the rest don’t think so. In their opinion, it’s improper for the school to set such rules, saying that keeping long hair doesn’t necessarily mean the students don’t study hard and the stereotype of hair may make one look dull.
  Personally speaking, I feel we students should pay more attention to our study instead of hair styles, after all, our time and energy are limited during school time.
  点评 本篇文章的布局一目了然,第一段是讨论的主题,第二段和第三段是两种对立的观点,最后一段是自己的看法。在段与段之间的衔接上也是很注重的,例如:“Opinions are divided among us.”一句承上启下,“However, the rest don’t think so”很好地过渡到了另一种观点,同时又自然地引出了自己的看法。另外,本文还运用了丰富的词汇和变化的句式,如:in favor of,occupy,devote more to,doesn’t necessarily mean,stereotype...,宾语从句“whether girl students must cut off their long hair”和非谓语“keeping long hair may...”“being a student...”的使用也很频繁。   例1 请根据以下信息完成下面的文章。
  Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt?
  Yuanmingyuan, “Garden of all gardens”, was burnt in 1860. Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not.
  Supporters of rebuilding the garden say only by doing so
  Those who disagree think it more reasonable to keep the garden like this.
  So you see, opinions vary and it’s hard to say which is right and which is not.
  Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt?
  Yuanmingyuan, “Garden of all gardens”, was burnt in 1860. Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not.
  Supporters of rebuilding the garden say only by doing so can we see the original sight of the garden, which no wonder reflects the Chinese civilization. And it will be another place of interests for tourists. If partly rebuilt, it will provide a comparison and help us remember the history.
  Those who disagree think it more reasonable to keep the garden like this. The ruins will remind us of the past. We should never forget the history. Other buildings like the Palace Museum and Summer Palace can also be symbols of the Chinese culture, so it is not necessary to rebuilt this garden. Some also worry that the environment will be destroyed when the construction goes on in this district.
  So you see, opinions vary and it’s hard to say which is right and which is not.
  例2 根据提示,写出开头、过渡、结尾句。
  内容包括: 1. 广泛用于购物场所的塑料袋也是主要的污染源,废弃的塑料袋随处可见;
  2. 塑料袋不易分解,容易造成污染,甚至导致野生动物或海洋动物窒息而死;
  3. “白色污染”有损中国形象;
  4. 你自己的建议。
  People should not be encouraged to use plastic bags.
  (众所周知,塑料袋是最主要的污染物之一,并且我们能随处看见堆成山的被扔的塑料袋。)Because plastic bags are not so degradable, it is easy for them to pollute our environment and even many wild or sea animals may be chocked to death by them. What is worse, “white pollution” does harm to the image of China.
  So our government should make laws to forbid the use of plastic bags in department stores and supermarkets. Meanwhile, people should be encouraged to replace them with environmentally friendly paper bags or cloth ones.   .(只有这样,我们才能使我们的地球保持干净)
  People should not be encouraged to use plastic bags.
  Plastic bags are very popular in our daily life, especially they are widely used in free markets, supermarkets or departments.
  As we know, plastic bags are one of the major pollutants and we can see mountains of littered plastic bags thrown everywhere. Because plastic bags are not so degradable, it is easy for them to pollute our environment and even many wild or sea animals may be chocked to death by them. What is worse, “white pollution” does harm to the image of China.
  So our government should make laws to forbid the use of plastic bags in department stores and supermarkets. Meanwhile, people should be encouraged to replace them with environmentally friendly paper bags or cloth ones. Only in this way, can we keep our earth clean.
  例3 根据所给信息填关键词。
  Dear Xiao Ling,
  I’m very glad to 1 your letter today. How are you getting along with your study?
  In your letter, you asked me 2 you should buy a mobile phone 3 not. In my opinion, it is 4 for a student. Why? 5 , using a mobile phone 6 too much to 7 or receive short messages. 8 , the time you should 9 on studies 10 shorter. Second, it is 11 to use mobile phones at school 12 sometimes you have to 13 the call in class. Therefore, your behavior can 14 others. Third, you may be disturbed by some false 15 messages. 16 , as a student 17 independent economy, you may have to ask parents 18 the phone expense. That is to say, they will burden more to 19 you than before.
  In short, I suggest that you 20 my words twice.
  Best wishes.
  Yours friend,
  Li Li
  Dear Xiao Ling,
  I’m very glad to receive your letter today. How are you getting along with your study?
  In your letter, you asked me whether you should buy a mobile phone or not. In my opinion, it is unnecessary for a student. Why? first, using a mobile phone takes too much to send or receive short messages. Therefore, the time you should spend on studies becomes shorter. Second, it is forbidden to use mobile phones at school because sometimes you have to respond the call in class. Therefore, your behavior can disturb others. Third, you may be disturbed by some false third messages. Short, as a student furthermore independent economy, you may have to ask parents without the phone expense. That is to say, they will burden more to support you than before.
  In short, I suggest that you consider my words twice.
  Best wishes.
  Yours friend,
  Li Li
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