
来源 :宠物世界(猫迷) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wende198
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鸡年到啦!既可以作装饰,也可以做成戒指和胸针的小鸡吉祥物,你要不要来一盘呢?先捏一个最简单的叽星人1将适量白色黏土搓成水滴状。2轻轻按压黏土,慢慢把它压扁。注意不要猛力按下去,以免黏土开裂。3继续按压,同时修饰形状,直到捏成圆润的小鸡外表的形状。4用棕色黏土搓成球后按压成椭圆形,粘在适当的位置。5深红色黏土揉成椭圆形,下侧稍稍压平一些。6将深红色黏土粘在小鸡的头顶部分。7用白色黏土搓几个小小的圆球,粘在鸡冠的部分作装饰。8用红色黏土搓成球状,之后轻轻用手捏出尖嘴的形状。 Chickens arrived! Both for decoration, can also be made of rings and brooch chicken mascot, do you want to a plate? First pinch a simple grinning people 1 the amount of white clay rubbed into a drop of water. 2 Gently press the clay and crush it slowly. Be careful not to press hard to avoid clay cracking. 3 Continue pressing while modifying the shape until the shape of the rounded chick looks smooth. 4 Rub the brown clay into a ball and press it into an oval shape, glued to the right place. 5 deep red clay rubbed into an oval, the lower side a little flattened. 6 Stick the dark red clay to the top of the chicken’s head. 7 rub a few small balls of white clay, sticking the part of the crest for decoration. 8 Rub the ball with red clay and gently pinch out the shape of the beak.
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