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The survival of cervix cancer patien ts is associated with their hemoglobin(Hgb)level during radiotherapy.The Southwest Oncology Group(SWOG)conducted a phase IItrial to determine whether recombin ant human erythropoi-etin(rHuEPO)safely corrects anemia during chemo radio-therapy for cervix cancer.Patients had stage IIB -IVA cervix cancer and a Hgb between 8.0an d 12.5g /dl.All patients received rHuEPO thrice weekly and oral iron starting 10-15days before their 5-week course of whole pelvic irradiation and weekly cispl atin followed by intra-cavitary brachytherapy.Fifty -thr ee patients from 26in-stitutions received the protocol tr eatment.The mean Hgb was 10.4±1.3g /dl on the first day of r HuEPO admin-istration(baseline)-,11.0±1.6g /dl on the first day of chemoradiotherapy,11.6±1.9g /d l at the midpoint of chemoradiotherapy,and 11.8±2.2g /dl at the end of chemoradiotherapy.The target Hgb l evel of 12.5g /dl was achieved in 40%of patients(95%CI 26-56%)by the midpoint of Chemoradiotheraphy.Change in Hgb was as-sociated with baseline serum iron(P =0.008)and trans-ferrin saturation(P =0.05)levels,but not with baseline Hgb or serum ferritin,or patient age.Seven patients de-veloped deep vein thrombosis.Two -y ear progression -free survival(PFS)was 43%and overall survival(OS)was 51%.Survival was significantly associated with Hgb level at the end of chemoradiotherap y,but not with the baseline Hgb level.rHuEPO and iron g radually increased Hgb levels in anemic women with local advanced cervix cancer during chemoradiotherapy.T here was a higher than expected incidence of deep vein thro mbosis.The progres-sion -free and overall survival rate s were lower than re-ported for women with normal Hgb levels. The survival of cervix cancer patien ts is associated with their hemoglobin (Hgb) level during radiotherapy.The Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) conducted a phase II trial to determine whether recombin ant human erythropoi-etin (rHuEPO) safely corrects anemia during chemo radio-therapy for cervix cancer. Patients had stage IIB-IVA cervix cancer and a Hgb between 8.0 an d 12.5 g / dl. All patients received rHuEPO thrice weekly and oral iron starting 10-15 days prior to their 5-week course of whole pelvic irradiation and weekly cispl atin followed by intra-cavitary brachytherapy. Ftyty-th ee patients from 26 in-stitutions received the protocol tr eatment. the mean Hgb was 10.4 ± 1.3 g / dl on the first day of r HuEPO admin-istration (baseline) -, 11.0 ± 1.6 g / dl on the first day of chemoradiotherapy, 11.6 ± 1.9 g / dl at the midpoint of chemoradiotherapy, and 11.8 ± 2.2 g / dl at the end of chemoradiotherapy. The target Hgb lvel of 12.5 g / dl was achieved in 40 % of patients (95% CI 26-56%) by the midpoint of Chemoradioth eraphy. Change in Hgb was as-sociated with baseline serum iron (P = 0.008) and trans-ferrin saturation (P = 0.05) levels, but not with baseline Hgb or serum ferritin, or patient age. Survival was significantly associated with Hgb level at the end of chemoradiotherap y, but not with the baseline Hgb level. rHuEPO and iron g radually increased Hgb levels in anemic women with local advanced cervix cancer during chemoradiotherapy. here was a higher than expected incidence of deep vein thro mbosis. progres-sion-free and overall survival rate s were lower than re-ported for women with normal Hgb levels.
摘要:文章主要阐述了先张法预应力混凝土空心板桥梁空心板梁底裂缝形成的原因及防治措施,供同行参考及借鉴。  关键词:先张法;预应力;混凝土空心板;裂缝成因;防治措施  中图分类号:U445.71 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006—8937(2012)23—0157—02  我国桥梁科技的日益发展以及施工装备技术水平的提高,使预应力混凝土桥梁施工技术得到了普及,先张法混凝土空心板桥
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