Anti-rebound Cushion Device for Hydraulic Breaker

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dvvicky
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This paper analyzes the phenomenon of rebound impact and its negative influence on the present hydraulic breaker. To get over its shortcomings, a new anti-rebound cushion device has been designed to prevent the phenomenon of rebound impact. A hydraulic cushion is used to absorb the rebound impact energy, which can be released for the next stroke of the hydraulic breaker. Thus, there is little loss of energy, and the efficiency of the impact system can be increased by 5 %. The absorption effect of the hydraulic anti-rebound cushion increases the service life of breaker components by up to twice as long as in the current breaker. A dynamic model and a motion equation of the anti-rebound cushion device are presented, and the optimum frequency and damping ratio are obtained, providing optimum design parameters for the anti-rebound cushion device. This paper analyzes the phenomenon of rebound impact and its negative influence on the present hydraulic breaker. A getter over its shortcomings, a new anti-rebound cushion device has been designed to prevent the phenomenon of rebound impact. A hydraulic cushion is used to absorb the Thus, there is little loss of energy, and the efficiency of the impact system can be increased by 5%. The absorption effect of the hydraulic anti-rebound cushion增加 the service life of breaker components by up to twice as long as in the current breaker. A dynamic model and a motion equation of the anti-rebound cushion device are presented, and the optimum frequency and damping ratio are obtained, providing optimum design parameters for the anti-rebound cushion device.
贵刊去年第一期上刊登了《国外催书妙法》一文,受其启发,我馆开展了“优质服务还书日”活动,收到了惊喜的效果。具体做法是: 我们预先一个月就大力开展宣传工作,向读者声明:
宁夏第三届公共图书馆馆长联席会议于1993年4月6日至7日在固原县召开。自治区图书馆和全区18个市县图书馆的馆长出席了会议。宁夏文化厅及固原地县两级的有 Ningxia Third
国内图书公司为介绍国外新书,编印了若干种新书征订目录。就中国图书进出口总公司来说,就有文献部的 L 目录,图书二部的T 目录等。笔者从事进口原版图书文献采访工作若干年,