Wavelet Analysis of the Shaft Order Perturbation and Stall Inception in an Axial Compressor

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linxuekai
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An experiment was carried out in a low-speed large-scale axial-compressor. Dynamic pressure signals were measured and analyzed with a wavelet transform. At all stable operating condition, a shaft order perturbation was observed from the dynamic pressure signals and wavelet power spectrums. By measuring the tip clearance, blade pitches and blade thickness distributions, a rotor asymmetry was identified in this compressor, which is strongly linked to the shaft order perturbation. Modal wave appears at the near-stall operating point. The propagation speed of the modal wave is about 20% rotating speed. At the peak of the modal wave, the intensity of the shaft-order-perturbation increases obviously, while it decays very fast at the trough of modal wave. By throttling the compressor, modal stall occurs in several seconds and only one stall-cell was detected. The stall cell grows smoothly out of the modal wave and its propagation speed is increased to 30% rotor speed. In several revolutions before stall, the intensity of the modal wave is increasing and a shaft order perturbation produced by modal-wave grows into stall inception which indicate stall onset but not trigger stall. An experiment was carried out in a low-speed large-scale axial-compressor. Dynamic pressure signals were measured and analyzed with a wavelet transform. At all stable operating conditions, a shaft order perturbation was observed from the dynamic pressure signals and wavelet power spectrums . By measuring the tip clearance, blade pitches and blade thickness distributions, a rotor asymmetry was identified in this compressor, which is strongly linked to the shaft order perturbation. Modal wave appears at the near-stall operating point. The propagation speed of the modal At the peak of the modal wave, the intensity of the shaft-order-perturbation increases obviously, while it decays very fast at the trough of modal wave. By throttling the compressor, modal stall occurs in several seconds and only one stall-cell was detected. The stall cell grows smoothly out of the modal wave and its Propagation speed is increased to 30% rotor speed. In several revolutions b efore stall, the intensity of the modal wave is increasing and a shaft order perturbation produced by modal-wave grows into stall inception which indicate stall onset but not trigger stall.
德育实践中,要让学生以“身”体之,以“心”验之,在亲身参与中,不断激发内心的情感,主动提高自己的思想认识。学校以改革开放四十周年为契机,设计并开展了以“四十年连着你和我”为主题的“参与式”系列德育活动,对学生进行爱国主义教育。本次活动共分为四个阶段,逐步深入。  第一阶段:调查研究,收集资料。  学校利用“红领巾广播”时间在全校开展了“微校会”——“四十年连着你和我”活动的启动仪式,吸引学生们去了
二十多年前江峰在中国美术馆办个展,不过二十出头,这在当时是不多见的,就是今天看来也是件不可思议的事。一个黄毛丫头,一出道,就显示了过人的胆量与魄力。谁都知道,画油画的能办画展,不说质量,就是数量也非易事。许多人一生的理想,就是能在中国美术馆办个展,可也不是轻易能实现的。  一晃二十年过去,一路走来,我们既是同路人,又是看着她长大的(本人不是卖老,确实长她十几岁),如今她又将再次在中国美术馆一展风采