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我们应用Nd:YAG 激光治疗154眼(144例)后发性(或膜性)白内障。术后随访时间最短7天,最长10个月,平均3个月。本组病例治疗后的并发症有:眼压升高,术后眼压升高的74眼(48.68%),其中22—30 mmHg 的37眼(24.34%);31—40 mmHg的20眼(13.16%);超过40 mmHg 的17眼(11.18%),最高的2眼达66mmHg。所有高眼压者均能用药物控制。葡萄膜炎,术后60眼(38.96%)有不同程度的虹膜炎反应,一般在一周内消失。碎屑脱入前房,术后120眼(77.92%)前房有不同程度的切割碎屑残留。玻璃体脱入前房,术后118眼(76.62%)发生前界膜破裂,玻璃体脱入前房,但未发现因玻璃体进入前房引起的严重合并症。出血,术后6眼(3.90%)发生前房出血,主要为切开瞳孔后粘连时所致。视网膜的并发症,3眼(1.95%)于术后二个月发生视网膜脱离,(均为眼球穿破伤术后的患者)。人工晶体的损伤,一例人工晶体混浊后囊切开术后见人工晶体的后表面有小凹样改变,未见裂痕。 We applied Nd: YAG laser to treat 154 (144 cases) of posterior (or membranous) cataracts. The shortest follow-up time of 7 days, the longest 10 months, an average of 3 months. The complications after treatment in this group of patients were: increased intraocular pressure (IOP), postoperative IOP elevation in 74 eyes (48.68%), of which 22-30 mmHg in 37 eyes (24.34%) and 31-40 mmHg in 20 eyes 13.16%); 17 eyes (11.18%) over 40 mmHg and the highest 2 eyes reached 66 mmHg. All high intraocular pressure can be controlled with drugs. Uveitis, postoperative 60 eyes (38.96%) have different degrees of iritis reaction, usually disappear within a week. Debris into the anterior chamber, postoperative 120 eyes (77.92%) anterior chamber have varying degrees of cutting debris residues. Vitreous detachment into the anterior chamber, the anterior rupture of the anterior chamber occurred in 118 eyes (76.62%) after the operation, and the vitreous was detached into the anterior chamber. However, no serious complications caused by the vitreous entering the anterior chamber were found. Bleeding, postoperative 6 eyes (3.90%) occurred in the anterior chamber hemorrhage, mainly due to adhesions after the opening of the pupil. Retinal complications occurred in 3 eyes (1.95%) with retinal detachment two months after surgery (both patients with penetrating eye injury). Intraocular lens injury, an artificial lens opacification posterior capsulotomy see the posterior surface of the intraocular lens with a small concave change, no cracks.
比亚乔“黑金刚”HEXAGON 比亚乔“黑金刚”HEXAGON造型美观、豪华舒适,是比亚乔产品的极品之一(图14),在欧洲此车型获得了极大的成功。黑金刚最为突出的设计是为人们提供了
本文利用留数理论证明了:∞∑n=1 1/n4=π4/90
介绍了离心式空压机油系统进水的现象与来源。分析了其原因。提出了其防范措施。从而确保了机组安全运行。 Introduced the centrifugal air compressor oil system of wate