Phone apps may soon predict teen depression 手机app不久后将能预测青少年抑郁

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  Rising rates of depression among American teenagers and young adults have led to a major question: Could the same devices being blamed for causing depression be used to find it?
  Studies have linked heavy smartphone use with worsening teen mental health. But as teens spend time on sites, they also leave digital paths that may offer signs about their mental health.
  Researchers are testing smartphone apps that use artificial intelligence, or AI, to predict depression. But there are still issues to address, including privacy issues and making sure children give permission to be closely followed.
  App developers say that effective, widely available depression?detecting apps may arrive soon. Using smartphones as mental health detectors would require permission from users to download an app. They could take back their permission at any time.
  If smartphones can become effective predictors, app developers say the goal might be to offer digital messages to parents or doctors.
  At the University of California, Los Angeles, researchers are offering an experimental phone app to students who show signs of minor depression. Alyssa Lizarraga, who is 19, is
  among those being studied. She has had depression since high school. Lizarraga has worried about her heavy use of smartphones and social media. She said comparing herself with others online sometimes causes her sadness. But she believes using smartphones to identify mental health problems might help push people to seek early treatment.
  At the University of Illinois Chicago cam?
  pus, researchers are testing their experimental
  phone app. Anyone can download the free app, and nearly 2,000 students have so far. All
  agreed to let the researchers follow things such as their typing behaviors. The study is for people 18 and up, but it could also be used for children if successful.
  Along with studies at universities, technology companies such as Mindstrong and Verily—the tech health division of Google—are testing their own experimental apps.
  1.How can we know about teens mental health through smartphone?(no more than 8 words)
  2.Whats the first step to predict depression? (no more than 8 words)
  3.Whats Alyssas attitude towards the depression?detecting app? (1 word)
  Important vocabulary blamed for 因……而受责备 把……和……联系起来
  3.effective adj. 有效的
  4.available adj. 可利用的
  5.experimental adj. 试验性的 v. 寻找;寻求
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[摘 要] 深度学习是数学教学的最终要求和目标。在深度学习中,学生会较为容易地理解数学概念,深入理解数学本质,找到数学学习的意义。文章以分数的学习为例,探讨深度教学下的小学数学概念教学策略。  [关键词] 小学数学;深度教学;概念教学  小学数学最重要的内容为算理教学。学生们会接触到小数、分数、整数、百分数的计算。相比于小数和整数,分数和百分数的教学会略显困难。本文以分数的教学为例,为了提高其教学
摘 要:为了引导学生更好地理解算理,教师要善于选择多种方式。常用的算理理解方式有实物原型、直观模型、已有知识等。其中实物原型指的是具有一定结构的实物材料,如元、角、分等人民币,千米、米等测量单位;而直观模型指的是具有一定结构的操作材料和直观材料,如小棒、计数器、长方形或点子图等。在教具演示、学具操作和图片对照等直观模型的刺激下,学生更容易通过数形结合的方式,清晰地理解算理。  关键词:直观模型;意