
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqsuifeng
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要弄清盆栽葡萄结果时多时少这个问题,首先要简单介绍一下葡萄的生长习性。葡萄的芽有冬芽和夏芽两种,都在当年新梢叶腋间形成。冬芽是混合芽,呈粉红色,看上去较肥大,当年不萌发,翌年开花结果。冬芽除一个主芽萌发形成结果枝外,还有3—8个副芽,它们有时萌发1—2个形成营养枝,一般不结果,有些副芽不萌发则形成潜伏芽。随着新梢的生长,在叶腋中还形成夏芽。夏芽为裸芽,当年 To understand the potted grape results from time to time less the problem, we must first briefly introduce the growing habits of grapes. Grape buds have winter buds and summer buds are two, in the year shoots axillary formation. Winter bud is a mixed bud, pink, looks more fat, then not germination, the following year flowering results. In addition to a winter bud bud germination of the main results of the formation of branches, there are 3-8 secondary buds, they sometimes 1-2 germination of vegetative shoots, generally not the result, some buds do not germinate latent bud formation. With the growth of new shoots, summer buds are also formed in the leaf axils. Summer Bud nude bud, when
一、选土诀—偏酸或中性,肥沃又疏松兰花多产于江南,土壤的酸碱度(pH 值)宜在7许,不宜超8。它要求团粒结构好、质地疏松的腐叶土或黑色砂质土。但也可用经雨水淋透、退火的
目的:观察胫骨平台骨折临床治疗效果.方法:将2018年2月~2020年2月我院骨科收治的76例胫骨平台骨折患者为例,患者随机分组两组,每组38例患者,采取不同的治疗方法 .采取传统的解
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