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长阳土家族自治县是长江流域古文明的重要发源地,著名的“长阳人”故乡、巴人故里和中国土家族的发祥地。全县国土面积3430平方公里,辖11个乡镇、154个行政村,总人口42万人,有土家族、汉族、苗族、满族、蒙古族、侗族、壮族等23个民族,其中土家族人口占51%。长阳土家族自治县既是国家重点扶持的贫困县,也是湖北省唯一的一个集老、少、山、穷、库于一体的特殊县份,更是一个历史悠久、文化灿烂、资源丰富、区位优越,具有巨大发展潜力的地方。中国的第一个农村合作医疗试点就诞生在这里。建国以来,长阳还先后荣获过“全国高山蔬菜第一县”、“全国推进就业创业劳务输出大县”、“全国新型农村合作医疗先进县”、“中国民间艺术之乡”等称号。今天,打造百万亩木本油料产业大县,把青山变成绿色银行,又成为湖北省长阳土家族自治县委、县人民政府以科学发展观为指导,破解民族贫困地区农村中山地带结构难调、致富不快难题而全力推进的一项战略性富民工程。他们以统筹规划为基础,构建粮油布局科学、高中低山产业结构合理的生态农业体系;以产业化发展为抓手,建立原料基地与深加工龙头企业相互促进机制;以农民增收为核心,实现木本油料林的社会、生态和经济效益最大化,向县域经济实力和可持续发展能力跻身全省山区县和全国民族自治县(旗)前列目标迈进。长阳县委、县政府打造木本油料产业,真正体现了“前人栽树,后人乘凉”的精神。我们期待,长阳“打造百万亩木本油料产业大县”的壮举,为民族地区的发展带来有益的启示和推进! Changyang Tujia Autonomous County is an important ancient civilization birthplace in the Yangtze River Valley, the famous “Changyang” hometown, Palestinian hometown and the birthplace of China Tujia. The county covers an area of ​​3430 square kilometers, administer 11 townships, 154 administrative villages, with a total population of 420,000 people, there are Tujia, Han, Miao, Manchu, Mongolian, Dong, Zhuang and other 23 ethnic groups, of which the Tujia population 51%. Changyang Tujia Autonomous County is not only a poverty-stricken county supported by the state, but also the only special county in Hubei Province that combines oldness, littleness, mountains, poverty and treasury. It is a long history, splendid culture, rich resources, superior location, Great potential for development. China’s first rural cooperative medical pilot was born here. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Changyang has also won the title of “The First County of Alpine Vegetable in China” and “National County of Advanced Export and Import of Employment and Entrepreneurship and Labor”, “Advanced County of New Rural Cooperative Medical System in China”, “Chinese Folk Art Township ”and other titles. Today, millions of acres of woody oil industry to build counties, Aoyama into a green bank, and become the governor of Changyang Tujia Autonomous County Committee, County People’s Government, guided by the scientific concept of development, to crack the ethnic poverty-stricken areas Zhongshan Zhongshan struggling , Get rich unhappy problems and strive to promote a strategic enriching project. Based on overall planning, they have constructed a scientific and high-school-low-mountain eco-agricultural system with a rational layout of grain and oil industries. Based on the industrialization development, they established a mutual promotion mechanism between raw material bases and deep-processing leading enterprises. Taking farmers’ income as the core, The oil, forest and forestry to maximize social, ecological and economic benefits to the county economic strength and sustainable development among the highest among the mountainous counties and national autonomous counties (banners) the forefront of the goal. Changyang county party committee and government to create woody oil industry, truly reflects the “predecessors planted trees, descendants by the cool” spirit. We look forward to Changyang “creating millions of acres of woody oil industry county ” feat, for the development of ethnic areas bring useful inspiration and promotion!
隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种思维现象。本文用认知语言学的理论,探讨动物隐喻的认知特点以及英汉语言在动物隐喻化方面存在的共性和差异。 Metaphor is not only a lin
青年时代:罗勃特·柯霍(Robert Koch)于1843年12月11日生于德国汉诺威州哈兹(Harz)山区的克劳塞尔(Clausthal)村,其父为采矿工程师、地方议员,罗勃特的家庭成员共十一人,以
湖南省宁道高速公路是厦蓉高速湖南境内一段,项目全长91.538公里,穿越永州市蓝山县、宁远县、道县三地。主线采用双向四车道高速公路标准修建. Hunan Ningdao Expressway is
采用45钢基材表面预涂敷一层 WC/Co(钴包碳化钨)与 TiC 的混合粉末,进行了激光表面合金化,研究了粉末中 TiC 含量对合金化层组织变质的影响。结果表明:随预涂敷层中 TiC含量
一、一项“很了不起”的伟大事业 1984年2月24日,邓小平同志在与中央负责同志的谈话中非常明确地表示了他对加快建设海南岛的高度重视和关注:“我们还要开发海南岛,如果能把