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“1994年中国500家最大服务企业及行业评价”结果日前揭晓。位居榜首的行业及企业依次是,银行业:中国工商银行;保险业:中国人民保险公司;信托投资业:中国国际信托投资公司;租赁业:中国租赁有限公司;财务业:中国石化财务有限责任公司;证券业:上海万国证券公司;外贸业:中国石化进出口总公司;国际经济技术合作业:中国建筑工程总公司;物资供销业:上海汽车工业供销公司;商业批发业:中国农业生产资料集团公司;商业零售业:上海市第一百货商店股份有限公司;铁路运输业:北京铁路局;航空运输业:中国国际航空公司;远洋运输业:上海远洋运输公司;内河航远业:武汉长江轮船公司;管道输送业:中国石油天然气管道局;公路运输业:北京市运输公司;港口:上海港务局;邮电业:深圳市邮电局;旅游业:广州中国大酒店。 The results of the “China’s 500 largest service companies and industry evaluations in 1994” were announced recently. The top industries and companies in turn are: Banking: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; Insurance: China People’s Insurance Company; Trust and Investment Industry: China International Trust and Investment Corporation; Leasing Industry: China Leasing Co., Ltd.; Finance: China Petrochemical Finance Co., Ltd. Responsible company; Securities industry: Shanghai Wanguo Securities Company; Foreign trade industry: Sinopec Import and Export Corporation; International economic and technological cooperation industry: China State Construction Engineering Corporation; Material supply and marketing industry: Shanghai Automotive Industry Supply and Marketing Company; Commercial wholesale industry: China’s agricultural production Data Group Corporation; Commercial Retail: Shanghai First Department Store Co., Ltd.; Railway Transportation: Beijing Railway Bureau; Air Transport Industry: China International Airlines; Ocean Shipping Industry: Shanghai Ocean Shipping Company; Inland Airlines Aviation Industry: Wuhan Changjiang Steamship Company; pipeline transportation industry: China National Petroleum Pipeline Bureau; road transport industry: Beijing Transport Company; port: Shanghai Port Authority; post and telecommunication industry: Shenzhen Post and Telecommunications Bureau; tourism: Guangzhou China Hotel.
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报告退税企业核算时应采取责权发生制的会计核算经验。 When reporting tax refund enterprise accounting, it should adopt the accrual accounting accounting experienc
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张贤亮先生是我特别敬佩的作家 ,我又是一个无名小辈 ,所以 ,我写这篇文章就有点那个了。但有些话如骨鲠喉 ,不吐不快。所有的话题都来自于张先生发表于《文学自由谈》2000年第二
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