A Study on Ionospheric HF Channel with Bitemporal Response and Scattering Function

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jlckyang123
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At first the bitemporal response method is introd uced to solve the scattering function of the ionospheric channel. We can get the scattering function as a function of the group path time delay and Doppler freq uency. Thus Doppler effect resulting from the continuous movement of the ionosp here is analyzed to study the characteristics of the various ionospheric irregul arities and disturbance. many possible problems and correction are rese arched lastly. At first the bitemporal response method is introd uced to solve the scattering function of the ionospheric channel. We can get the scattering function as a function of the group path time delay and Doppler freq uency. Thus Doppler effect resulting from the continuous movement of the ionosphere here is analyzed to study the characteristics of the various ionospheric irregul arities and disturbance. many possible problems and correction are rese arched lastly.
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