
来源 :历史文献研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Rang3r
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北宋禮學家陳祥道是中國禮學史上值得注意的一位人物。他的禮學著作現今僅存一百五十卷本《禮書》。通過考察幾個重要的《禮書》版本,尤其是元至正七年福州路郡學首刊、明代補版百五十卷本《禮書》及其卷首所收陳祥道自序、進獻表、朝廷敕文等相關文字,本文力求考訂清楚元祐年間《禮書》的抄録與進獻過程。此外,作爲一位新學學者,陳祥道的《禮書》常被視爲元祐學術的代表作。通過揭示北宋“變古”禮學與“托古改制”禮學這兩條路綫的前後演變升降,本文試圖重新審視《禮書》在宋代禮學史中的地位,兼論《禮書》“法先王”以成一代之法的精神。 Northern Song Dynasty etiquette Chen Xiangdao is a notable figure in the history of Chinese ceremony. His present ritual books contain only 150 volumes of the Book of Rites. Through examining several important editions of the Book of Rites, especially the first issue of Fuzhou Road County in Yuan and Zheng Dynasties, the 50 volumes of the Book of Rites in the Ming Dynasty and the preface of Chen Xiangdao敕 text and other related texts, this text strive to test clearly Yuanyou years “gift book” copy and into the process. In addition, as a new scholar, Chen Xiangdao’s “gift book” is often regarded as a metaphysical masterpiece. By revealing the evolvement of the two ancient and modern rituals in North Song Dynasty and the ceremony of ritual reform in Thotu, this paper tries to reexamine the status of Ritual in the history of ritual education in the Song Dynasty, Gift book “” law first king "to a generation of law spirit.
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8月8日,美国研制的F-35B第3架原型机在大西洋靶场成功进行了首次投弹测试,从机腹内置弹舱投掷了1枚454千克GBU-32“联合直接攻击弹药”(JDAM)。 On August 8, the prototype
目的:确定结核病人的完成治疗情况,并分析中断治疗和病死的相关因素。方法:在 SEPAR 结核病和呼吸道感染工作组成员工作的地区,对 1999 年 6 月 1 日至2000 年5 月 31 日期间
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