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科学手稿是一种具有科学研究性质的手写或打印文档,在学术、文献及史料方面有较高价值。科学手稿既具有文献的特性,也具有档案的特性,因此适用于图书馆与档案的双重组织原则。通过选择科学手稿的著录单位,讨论如何对其进行编码、分类、构建元数据模型、选取检索点及著录等一系列组织过程,使之成为可检索可利用的信息资源。最后以上海交通大学李政道捐赠资料为例进行科学手稿的组织方法实证研究。 Scientific manuscripts are handwritten or printed documents of a scientific research nature and are of high value in academia, literature and historical materials. Scientific manuscripts not only have the characteristics of the literature, but also has the characteristics of the file, so apply to the dual organization of libraries and archives principles. By choosing the scientific manuscript unit, discuss how to encode, classify, construct the metadata model, select the search points and bibliography and a series of organizational processes, making it searchable available information resources. Finally, taking the donation data of Li Zhengdao of Shanghai Jiaotong University as an example, this paper conducts an empirical research on the organizational method of scientific manuscripts.
第 1 期(总第 170 期)用于 100nm 节点 ArF 准分子激光光刻的相移掩模技术………   冯伯儒,张 锦,宗德蓉,刘 娟,陈宝钦,刘 明 (1)原子光刻用超高真空蒸发设备的设计和建立
1.米勒的全名有多少个字母? 2.米勒出生那天星期几? 3.米勒比乔丹高多少? 4.米勒的大学今年NCAA的成绩是? 5.米勒在步行者打了多少年球? 6.米勒的新秀赛季缺席了几场比赛? 7.米勒的职业生
近十几年来,地磁学在基本理论观测方法和实际应用方面,都有很大的进展。基于这点,B.M.扬诺夫斯基对他1953年所著《地磁学》一书的第三和第四部分作了必要的修改和扩充,于 I
The Silurian sections to be described in the present paper were taken in 1944 along the Szechuan-Kueichow highway from Chumipu, about 12 kilometers north of th
With 2 Plates During the recent five years I have joined several field parties in the carrying out of geological reconnaissances in regions between the valley
稀土钴永磁体的材料制法——Jorgen-sen,P.J.等(美国,加利福尼亚洲,Stanford,Stanford 研究所,材料试验室),《U.S.Air Force Syst.Command,Air Force Mater.Lab.,Tech.Rep.,