
来源 :机械工人冷加工技术资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:digitalmachineu
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过去,我们用铣床加工车床用的六方杆。加工出来的产品几乎没有合格品,不仅等分性差,而且扭曲现象严重、因而成了生产中的关键。后来,工人师付在龙门刨床上附加一套图示胎具进行加工实验获得成功。用这个胎具刨出来的六方杆,不仅等分性和表而光洁度好,同时直线性在1500至2700毫米的全长上不超过0.02毫米。 In the past, we used milling machines to machine six-bar lathes. Almost no processed products out of qualified products, not only poor, but also serious distortion, which has become the key to production. Later, the workers paid in the planer to attach a set of pictorial tools for processing experiments were successful. The hexagonal bar that is planed with this planing tool is not only equally divisible but also has a good surface finish while the straightness does not exceed 0.02 mm over the entire length of 1,500 to 2,700 mm.
High-efficiency white organic light-emitting devices with single emitting layer are demonstrated. N,N’- diphenyl-N,N’-bis(1,1’-biphenyl)-4,4’-diamine (NPB)
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