Surgical treatment of hepato-pancreato-biliary disease in China:the Tongji experience

来源 :Science China(Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tlhcm
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Hepato-pancreato-biliary(HPB) tumors are common in China. However, these tumors are often diagnosed at intermediate/advanced stages because of the lack of a systemic surveillance program in China. This situation creates many technical challenges for surgeons and increases the incidence of postoperative complications. Therefore, Dr. Xiao-Ping Chen has made many important technical improvements, such as Chen’s hepatic portal occlusion method, the anterior approach for liver resection of large HCC tumors, the modified technique of Belghiti’s liver-hanging maneuver, inserting biliary-enteric anastomosis technique, and invaginated pancreaticojujunostomy with transpancreatic U-sutures. These techniques are simple, practical, and easy to learn. Owing to these advantages, complicated surgical procedures can be simplified, and the curative effects are greatly improved. These improved techniques have been widely applied in China and will benefit many additional patients. In this review, we introduce our experience of surgically treating intermediate/advanced hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), hilar cholangiocarcinoma(HC), and pancreatic carcinoma, mainly focusing on technical innovations established by Dr. Chen in HPB surgery. However, these tumors are often diagnosed at intermediate / advanced stages because of the lack of a systemic surveillance program in China. This situation creates many technical challenges for surgeons and increases the incidence of postoperative complications. Thus, Dr. Xiao-Ping Chen has made many important technical improvements, such as Chen’s hepatic portal occlusion method, the anterior approach for liver resection of large HCC tumors, the modified technique of Belghiti’s liver-hanging maneuver, inserting biliary -enteric anastomosis technique, and invaginated pancreaticojujunostomy with transpancreatic U-sutures. These techniques are simple, practical, and easy to learn. These techniques are readily, learn has been applied in China and will benefit many additional patients. In this review, we intro duce our experience of surgically treating intermediate / advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HC), and pancreatic carcinoma, mainly focusing on technical innovations established by Dr. Chen in HPB surgery.
目的:建立犬脑室内出血动物模型,比较尿激酶以及尿激酶联合自体血浆对脑室内血凝块的溶解效果,以指导临床上脑室内出血的治疗。 方法:建立犬脑室内出血模型共18只,分成生理盐水
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摘要:从小学过渡到初中的阶段,大部分的学生也正开始步入青春期。青春期的学生无论是穿着打扮还是行为举止,都透露着学生小时候的幼稚、不够成熟、不够独立的心理状态。然而在这特殊的时期,让学生们快速地进入初中学习状态中,必然会产生强烈的不适应。根据相关调查显示,在小升初阶段,学生对于新的环境、新的学习方法和任务都会在心理以及日常行为表现出明显的不适应,从而导致学校总体的教学任务不能够及时有效的完成。  关